What are the pros and cons on these two machines ? If you were purchasing a new unit would buy a 210ext or 250ex ?
What are the pros and cons on these two machines ? If you were purchasing a new unit would buy a 210ext or 250ex ?
Everlast Powertig 250EX
Worlds Quickest Oldsmobile Powered Vehicle
397 cid Twin Turbocharged Oldsmobile
I too would like to know that because i have had the 250 ex for awhile and i am thinking about selling it to get the 210 ,have been happy with the performance of the 250 but i am getting to doin alot more aluminum work now and would the features of the 210 just wish it had a little more amps like 250.
I have the 250EX. I don't think I could rationalize the idea of swapping out a 250EX for a 210ext. Except for the goodies that the more recent 210ext might have, I wouldn't trade a equally capable machine that puts out more amperage.
Make sure that you get a machine that fits your needs, your future needs, and the flexibility that you desire. Sure, the machine might do wonderful things like slice bread and butter it at the same time.
Boys, these are tools, not toys. These are designed to do a job. Don't let your emotions make decisions for you!
They are both mean, lean, green machines.
Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
Millermatic Mig Welder
Gas welding setup
A bunch of Snap-On tools
And a Brain
your right about them bein tools for sure and the 250 ex is a good machine and im,in it to make money ,so of jobs i am doing the 210 and the adjustments it has on it would make things a little easier,but the 250 is capable of doing it,just like some the features on the 210.
Links to my welding projects > : Spray Arc with the 250p : Coldsaw Stand : Welding Cart : Heavy Duty Rolling Shelf : Taller Bandsaw
2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw
the way you can shape the arc in ac.i use a aerowave miller at work and you can adjust both the positive and negative side of the arc and can really fine tune the arc get some fine aluminum welds with it and from what i am reading on the 210 you can do the same.
You got that right,,cannot imagine trading down in amps and having to work through a touch screen to make adjustments, when everything on the 250EX is in plain view on the dials,,,the 250Ex is a hard machine to beat in both performance , useabliltiy, and price,,I like mine and won't be replacing it that's for sure..
Some of those lies people tell about me, are true
here's a pic of my trailblazer setup with HF box.
i bought the ex for portability and easy setup for aluminum welding. check the setup for my trailblazer and i still only get 225 amps out of it. i keep the hi freq around just in case. if the ex can't handle it i pull out the spool gun and a plumber's torch. it's no accident that miller is coming out with a 280 dynasty. people have been waiting over a year for it's release, the only reason they are coming out with it is they know they are losing sales.
Last edited by fdcmiami; 10-14-2012 at 05:38 PM.
Sure some of these machines are capable of saving settings for several applications. It might be old school, but if I find a sweet spot, for an application, I write it down in a little notebook and keep it with the welder. Gee what happens when the digital memory on the higher tech welder heads south. Oops!
Just remember guys, I'm not being sexist, but computers are female. I'm sure you ladies out there can say the same about us guys.
Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
Millermatic Mig Welder
Gas welding setup
A bunch of Snap-On tools
And a Brain
I don't believe that the 210EXT offers this feature. Sounds like you are confusing the 250EXT with the 210EXT.
Also check out the difference in rated duty cycle of the 210EXT (210amps @ 40% duty cycle) compared to 250amps @ 60% duty cycle for the 250EX. They are not in the same ballpark.
'13 Everlast 255EXT
'07 Everlast Super200P
It does offer the control over the AC balance, which adjusts the positive and negative sides of the arc. It does not offer amplitude control, however.
It also has wave form, which none of our other machines have, as well as the advanced pulse for welding aluminum.
877-755-9353 x204
M-F 9am - 5pm EST
Not that i cant lay a good bead with the 250 ex as i have pics on here of some aluminum boxes i do , but i can lay an even better bead with a machine like the 210 ,but yes i would luv it if had the additional amps.
Sounds like you have a valid reason to get the 210ext.
Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
Millermatic Mig Welder
Gas welding setup
A bunch of Snap-On tools
And a Brain
The number one question is, will the 210EXT hold a sharp tungsten (red) at high amperage and not get dingle berries on AC? The 250EX will do this only after the AC balance potentiometer has been replaced with a 1 meg pot, or that's what it took on the two 250EX's I have. I would put my 250EX up against any high end tig welder!
How did you determine the change of the 1 meg pot would help the tungsten?I dont understand electronics this way at all and would like to learn stuff like this to understand how things like this work and do my own mods without harming the machine.