So I got my welder on the 19th and decided to do a complete review/setup of the welder. Step by step from the unboxing to the first welds with it. Some of these videos are long as hell but if you're thinking about buying one of these WATCH ALL THE VIDEOS. I'm sure there are a few details in the video that will help you out.
To some thing up: Keep in mind the saying, "you get what you pay for" is very true. I'm not saying this is a bad welder by any means. However as you will see in the videos the low cost comes with a price. Be ready to take this welder apart and make sure every nut, bolt, screw is properly snugged down. In my opinion this is not a problem for me. It's a fair trade so long as the welder lasts and does the job properly. Another issue I had was a leaky flow meter/regulator. As you will see in the videos I was able to fix this too. And the last issue I had was with packing. They put the flow meter/regulator in the box inside a not so padded UPS bag. This let it flop around in there during shipping and scratched up my case pretty good. Outside of these three thing this thing is a real nice welder so far. I've only tested it doing a few small beads but it does a great job. Tomorrow will be the start of my welding cart/welding table build. That will let me really put this thing to the test to see what it's made of. I'll be sure to report back. However at the moment I wouldn't have any problem recommending this welder to someone (I would make sure they knew the trade off that I experienced for the low cost.) I'm really happy with my purchase and did enough homework on other people's experiences with Everlast to have a pretty good idea of what to expect and look for. If you guys would address the few issues I had I think this would be a much easier sell to the skeptics. However I'm a happy customer so far.
Anyway here are the videos.