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Thread: 200 DX for Sale on Ebay

  1. #1

    Default 200 DX for Sale on Ebay

    Saw this listing on Ebay , someone is selling there 200DX, Bought new in June

    Item number 251170059142
    PowerTig 200DX
    Supercut 50P
    PowerTig Micro 185 SOLD GREAT MACHINE
    Millermatic 200
    Miller Thunderbolt
    Jet 1340 Lathe
    Jet 20" Drill Press
    Jet 12" Wet Band Saw
    Kalamazoo H7 Bandsaw
    Forward 12,000 lb 4 Post Lift

  2. #2


    Usually, We can assist with the warranty IF both customers contact us regarding the machine.

  3. #3


    The price is getting close to not being a deal, Anyone who was in the contest that gets the 25% can spend a little more and not have the hassle of buying used.
    Last price i saw it was bid to $665.00 w/Free Shipping a little to close on pricing for me even if you could get a warranty transfer done.
    PowerTig 200DX
    Supercut 50P
    PowerTig Micro 185 SOLD GREAT MACHINE
    Millermatic 200
    Miller Thunderbolt
    Jet 1340 Lathe
    Jet 20" Drill Press
    Jet 12" Wet Band Saw
    Kalamazoo H7 Bandsaw
    Forward 12,000 lb 4 Post Lift

  4. #4


    agreed. $900 new with the 25% off. That is like the 2 year old 250ex for $1300 (Don't know if that is shipped....) With the 25% off you could get one for $1237.50..... But more power to him if he can sell it for that...

    Personally I think I would spend the extra and get the 210ext ($1350 with the 25% off....) over the 250ex.
    Everlast PowerTig 200DX
    Everlast Supercut 50P
    I need a MIG.... which one to buy:
    I-Mig 160, I-Mig 200, or a MTS 160

  5. #5


    Clarified things this morning with alex about the warranty. It does not transfer, but we do help the customers out if they call us with an issue.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Impressive resale value.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  7. #7


    920.00 Not uncommon. From what I've witnessed, people seldom loose money reselling our units...considering the amount they used them etc.

  8. #8


    Alex told me the same, does not transfer. And like Mark mentioned, if you used it for a hobby, or better a business, you really can't loose money. Figure you take a $200-$300 hit, how much did you build or make with it. Mind you the prices of our machines are pretty fair to start with.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  9. #9


    That adds a little confidence knowing your machine has a good resale value, I am looking at upgrading already as these newer machines have a lot more capability than the old ones i learned on in the early 70's and used for many years. I might try to pass my power tig 185 on to my Son in Law at a good deal and Upgrade.
    PowerTig 200DX
    Supercut 50P
    PowerTig Micro 185 SOLD GREAT MACHINE
    Millermatic 200
    Miller Thunderbolt
    Jet 1340 Lathe
    Jet 20" Drill Press
    Jet 12" Wet Band Saw
    Kalamazoo H7 Bandsaw
    Forward 12,000 lb 4 Post Lift

  10. #10


    That's not an isolated incident. Resale is fairly high, due to the demand for new we have.

  11. #11


    Wow I am surprised it went this high. Resale value is defiantly a big plus!
    Everlast PowerTig 200DX
    Everlast Supercut 50P
    I need a MIG.... which one to buy:
    I-Mig 160, I-Mig 200, or a MTS 160

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by ShaneJackson View Post
    Wow I am surprised it went this high. Resale value is defiantly a big plus!
    It is a good TIG. More power and features than the 185. But for the price, I would opt for the new 2013 model. And all the foot pedals work on it. I have 3 of the four pedals, do not use them (OK a few times on the 210ETX). But nice they work on all the TIGs I have. One I do not have is the SSC. I have all the Everlast pedals. Maybe I should post up a picture?
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  13. #13


    what is the difference for a 2013 200dx??
    Everlast PowerTig 200DX
    Everlast Supercut 50P
    I need a MIG.... which one to buy:
    I-Mig 160, I-Mig 200, or a MTS 160

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