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Thread: Tig Torch options and opinions

  1. #1

    Default Tig Torch options and opinions

    Greetings all,

    I've got a PT200DX at home and am liking it so far. Liking my skill at TIG welding...well...that's another topic. I do alright but only seat time will make it improve I suppose.

    My one major complaint about the machine is that big mother $%&#*@ WP26 torch and massive cable. My word, I had to introduce many more dumbell curls in my exercise routine in order to use it for any length of time.

    So here's the nitty gritty of what I'm trying to figure out. Sure, I'd love to have a water cooled torch for size and comfort. But to be honest I don't weld for hours on end, weld at the peak output of the machine, nor do i want the added expense of a coller. They are quite expensive, even if you make it yourself, unless you find some KILLER deal (i.e. practically free from a scrap yard).

    My thoughts are to buy a CK gas cooled torch with a flex head, superflex hose, and in the range of 125-150 amp output. Seems that the CK17 fits this role well. If I ever have the need of going above that range I can tolerate the WP26 that came with the machine for that particular job.

    So I'm looking for opinions on this approach to a new torch. Does anyone do the same thing? Would it be better and less frustrating to go with a 200 amp gas cooled torch? Maybe I should go even smaller, say a CK9 or something?


  2. #2


    The 26 is a 200 amp gas cooled torch. Typically the 17 is only 150, although the consumables are the same as the 26. The size isn't really all that much smaller. The 9 is around 125 amp. These are all typical DC ratings, and AC would be less. CK does give a higher rating on some of their product, but you need to read all the fine print on any torch manufacturer because everyone has a little different system for rating torches.

  3. #3


    The CK 130 or better yet the CK Flex-loc 130 with a superflex lead is the way to go as it will handle 150 amp ac or dc at 60% duty cycle with no problems.
    If you go up to the next size torch that's gas cooled you'll have a much heavier lead that pulls on your torch and gets in the way.
    Here's a couple pics of the CK 130 and CK 210 hanging to give an idea of flexability. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1217.jpg 
Views:	482 
Size:	145.5 KB 
ID:	8407Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1215.jpg 
Views:	469 
Size:	146.5 KB 
ID:	8408 The cable/lead is much heavier on the 210.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  4. #4


    Yeah, what I'm looking for is just a lighter torch and a lighter cable. With the WP26 that came with the unit I have to wrap the masive cable over my shoulders in order relieve the strain on the torch body. I understand that some sort of strain relief no matter the torch size is fairly standard, but i would think with the superflex cable from CK it wouldn't be as bad.

    I figure it would be a standard practice to have multiple torches for specific applications. Different styles, head shapes, head sizes, etc, but is having multiple amperage rating torches a popular choice for TIG welders? Or would you typically just always buy a torch that is rated as high as the machine is capable of?

    On a side note I have been reading through CK's documentation and their CK17 is rated at 100% duty for 150 amp DCSP and ACHF. Same goes for the CK130 only at 130 amps. Is there some super secret they are keeping about the 60% you're listing?

  5. #5
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    Sep 2011
    Middleburg Florida


    Quote Originally Posted by bswinn View Post
    Yeah, what I'm looking for is just a lighter torch and a lighter cable. With the WP26 that came with the unit I have to wrap the masive cable over my shoulders in order relieve the strain on the torch body. I understand that some sort of strain relief no matter the torch size is fairly standard, but i would think with the superflex cable from CK it wouldn't be as bad.

    I figure it would be a standard practice to have multiple torches for specific applications. Different styles, head shapes, head sizes, etc, but is having multiple amperage rating torches a popular choice for TIG welders? Or would you typically just always buy a torch that is rated as high as the machine is capable of?

    On a side note I have been reading through CK's documentation and their CK17 is rated at 100% duty for 150 amp DCSP and ACHF. Same goes for the CK130 only at 130 amps. Is there some super secret they are keeping about the 60% you're listing?
    The 60% mentioned was for 150 amps. The higher the amps, the lower the duty cycle on a similar torch. So you could run the 130 at 10 minutes out of every 10 minutes, but you could push it to 150 amps if you only ran it for 6 out of every 10 minutes.

    Personally, I've decided to deal with a cooler and go for a WP20 style. With the arthritis in my hands and shoulders, the WP26 is kicking my arse, even though I have a support for the cable right behind me (bad idea to wrap the cable around you).
    Trip Bauer
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  6. Default

    Thanks for the info Zoama.
    I ordered the CK 130 today and the dinse connector.

    Thought about the cable cover for the new torch but thought I could add it at a later date if need be.

    Will keep the WP26 for the heavier projects.
    Everlast PowerTig 200DX
    Miller 120 Mig

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by zoama585 View Post
    The CK 130 or better yet the CK Flex-loc 130 with a superflex lead is the way to go as it will handle 150 amp ac or dc at 60% duty cycle with no problems.
    If you go up to the next size torch that's gas cooled you'll have a much heavier lead that pulls on your torch and gets in the way.
    Here's a couple pics of the CK 130 and CK 210 hanging to give an idea of flexability. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1217.jpg 
Views:	482 
Size:	145.5 KB 
ID:	8407Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1215.jpg 
Views:	469 
Size:	146.5 KB 
ID:	8408 The cable/lead is much heavier on the 210.
    He is dead on the money. I'm using a CK130 flex and LOVE it!
    Everlast PowerTIG 225LX
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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by zoama585 View Post
    The CK 130 or better yet the CK Flex-loc 130 with a superflex lead is the way to go as it will handle 150 amp ac or dc at 60% duty cycle with no problems.
    If you go up to the next size torch that's gas cooled you'll have a much heavier lead that pulls on your torch and gets in the way.
    Here's a couple pics of the CK 130 and CK 210 hanging to give an idea of flexability. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1217.jpg 
Views:	482 
Size:	145.5 KB 
ID:	8407Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1215.jpg 
Views:	469 
Size:	146.5 KB 
ID:	8408 The cable/lead is much heavier on the 210.

    I cant remember if it has been posted but do you mind posting the part numbers for both setups? I may get both of those as they look to fit what I want exactly. Does the 130 have a switch built in? I could do without that feature.
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