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Thread: PowerTig 200DX settings for aluminum 1/8" corner join and inside fillet???

  1. Default PowerTig 200DX settings for aluminum 1/8" corner join and inside fillet???

    We have a new PowerTig 200DX. None of us have welded with a TIG before.

    I am having troubles.

    What are some settings for welding and outside corner on 3mm ally? In the flat position.

    Then same again but for a fillet weld in the flat position.

    It is so damn hard.

    I tried a fronius magic wave 2200, and it was like chalk and cheese compared to the everlast unit. I don't know if it is the machine or me or what.

    The guy who showed me how he does it with his fronius has the tungsten right up flush with the gas lens.

    Videos I see on youtube suggest the opposite by having the tungsten out up to 3/8 or an inch.

    When I used the fronius it was just dab dab dab, and the weld bead came out shiny and uniform.

    I have 2.4mm red tunsten and 2.4mm white tungsten that came with machine.

    What causes the ally weld to go grey and not bright and shiny?


  2. #2


    Start here and take some notes so you can remember everything! This will get you in the ball park! Jody gives you some settings that he likes, and also some good general settings. I started with the general settings then adjusted each setting to see how it affected the welder.
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
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  3. #3


    One thing to try first, get some clean steel turn the machine to DC and get used to the pedal and the switch on the gun with steel on DC you will get a very smooth flowing arc. When you change to aluminum change tungsten

    Try some Gray or Gold Tungsten, If material is new ,Set the machine to amps at 95, Turn frequency to 200hz, Turn AC Balance to 30%, tungsten out 3/8" with long grind point. Gas flow about 15 cfm or 7 lpm on ball type regulator from Everlast.Get one stone setup on your grinder to grind tungsten nothing else. If you contaminate your tungsten use 2 pair of pliers break it off and regrind. Check the settings i did on my vertical up welding test and practice i posted on the forum.
    Last edited by cbmkr; 11-07-2012 at 01:04 PM.
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  4. #4


    1 inch is too long unless you use a gas lens, then it still isn't practical. I typically use 1/4" or less. Just keep thoriated tungsten in the unit. It will work fine. I'd recommend blue or gray though and definitely not ceriated as it doesn't seem to hold up quite as well. Use a smaller tungsten as well, such as the 3/32. When did the units start coming with tungsten? Is this a Canadian unit?
    White, I am not sure of the composition. But red blue or gray work fine.

    Gas coverage or lack thereof is what causes a weld to go gray or dull. Also it can be the filler metal you are using. Some fillers are more dull than others and don't match the base color as well. It also depends on the type of alloy aluminum you are using.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    1 inch is too long unless you use a gas lens, then it still isn't practical. I typically use 1/4" or less. Just keep thoriated tungsten in the unit. It will work fine.
    I am around 1/8" to 3/16" and using the thoriated. Seems to work great. Just need to keep the tungsten pretty close but don't touch... If you do, even once, it contaminates the tungsten and you need to pull it and regrind. I don't snap it off, just grind off all the contamination and make sure the finish grind is the correct way. (to the point)

    BTW what cfm are you at??? To low or to high can be just as bad.
    Shade tree MIG welder.
    Now a Shade tree TIG welder.

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