Been trying to learn how to weld aluminum lately with my old Airco and I think that I'm slowly getting better. All these beads look a little cold to me but I currently only have a 17-Series 150A air-cooled torch. I had the current on the machine set to 180A but I was reading through the manual for my welder and realized that the POT in the foot pedal is supposed to be a 10KOhm where-as I installed a 25KOhm POT when I refurbed the pedal and I think it's effecting the welder's output. The reason I installed a 25K POT was because that's what the old one speced out as but yesterday when I had the side panels off my welder blowing out the dust and setting the high-freq spark gap I noticed that somebody had made an adapter to go from the original rectangular 6-pin Airco connector to a round 6-pin Hobart/L-TEC connector and these welders used different POTs in their pedals. So that POT is something I need to change and see if things work differently. Anyways, here are the pictures of the beads I've been running the last 2 days. Just trying to get as much seat time as I can. These beads are much nicer than what I was doing a couple of weeks ago. Ha!

Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	8441Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	8436Click image for larger version. 

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Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	8438Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Alum04.jpg 
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ID:	8439Click image for larger version. 

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Click image for larger version. 

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Settings were as follows.
Current: 180A on panel controlled with the pedal.
Tungsten: Pure on some 2% Lanth on others. Both prepared with a taper with a flattened tip instead of a point.
Cup: Flat Stock: #8 Small Gas Lens; Fillet: #6 Small Gas Lens
Torch: 17-Series Air Cooled
Gas: 15-17CFH Argon
Post-Flow: 12-15s