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Thread: Power Tig 185 Micro Question

  1. #1

    Default Power Tig 185 Micro Question

    I have had an intermittent small problem with my machine, It is very strange and does it on AC and DC , I can start an arc and weld ( mostly no longer than 2-3 minutes at a time) with no problem, but occasionally when i stop and try to start back up i have no arc or HF. If and when this happens i let back off the trigger on the torch and just lightly touch the tungsten to the weld material and back off then hit the trigger again it will start up and weld fine. I have not found anything i am doing to cause this to happen, ground is good ect. ???????

    This only happens when i use the torch not the foot pedal.
    Is it possibly a lose wire in the tig torch ???
    PowerTig 200DX
    Supercut 50P
    PowerTig Micro 185 SOLD GREAT MACHINE
    Millermatic 200
    Miller Thunderbolt
    Jet 1340 Lathe
    Jet 20" Drill Press
    Jet 12" Wet Band Saw
    Kalamazoo H7 Bandsaw
    Forward 12,000 lb 4 Post Lift

  2. #2


    check the wires going on the torch switch....had the same problem on my micro 185. one of the wire wasnt soldered on very good. now i dont have the problem. what foot pedal are you using?

  3. #3


    It's not the torch, you can hear the gas solenoid open and close and a low buzzing sound inside the case. Had to repair a couple of clamps on a saw stop today and tried it with the pedal in about 5 times starting and stopping welding ,it did it once. If you look real close you can see a very tiny spark on the tungsten when you have to touch it to the material and pull back. This is without activating the switch on the torch. After you do that it will produce an arc when the torch switch is depressed.
    PowerTig 200DX
    Supercut 50P
    PowerTig Micro 185 SOLD GREAT MACHINE
    Millermatic 200
    Miller Thunderbolt
    Jet 1340 Lathe
    Jet 20" Drill Press
    Jet 12" Wet Band Saw
    Kalamazoo H7 Bandsaw
    Forward 12,000 lb 4 Post Lift

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by cbmkr View Post
    It's not the torch, you can hear the gas solenoid open and close and a low buzzing sound inside the case. Had to repair a couple of clamps on a saw stop today and tried it with the pedal in about 5 times starting and stopping welding ,it did it once. If you look real close you can see a very tiny spark on the tungsten when you have to touch it to the material and pull back. This is without activating the switch on the torch. After you do that it will produce an arc when the torch switch is depressed.
    Sounds like maybe there is a charge that is not bleeding off, so the HF doesn't kick in. Does this model use HF points or solid state HF? Maybe check point gap if applicable. While you are in there have a look around for anything amiss. There might be a bleed-off resistor across the output terminals that could be broken or cold solder joint or something.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  5. #5


    These have the newer style contacts, I had posted a picture of them on the first 185 i had that was not right. I don't really want to look inside again but might have too, This machine had a piece of solder across the terminals for the gas solenoid switch, i had to remove it to stop the gas from flowing when you turned on the machine. That was a real pain I was unhooking the gas hose every time i stopped welding to stop the gas flow.
    Maybe Ray or someone has a better idea of where to look for the problem. I will be more than welcome to look if someone will send me in the right direction.
    PowerTig 200DX
    Supercut 50P
    PowerTig Micro 185 SOLD GREAT MACHINE
    Millermatic 200
    Miller Thunderbolt
    Jet 1340 Lathe
    Jet 20" Drill Press
    Jet 12" Wet Band Saw
    Kalamazoo H7 Bandsaw
    Forward 12,000 lb 4 Post Lift

  6. #6


    I'm interested in seeing how this turns out. I've noticed that I can run into the same situation at times. Trying to start the arc after welding and nothing. Just the sound of what I think is the HF contactcs buzzing away but no arc. Touch the tungsten to the metal and I can see a VERY small spark. Then I can weld away. I think I've noticed it happens mostly when I stop the arc and try to start it back up in a very small amount of time. However my machine is a PT200DX.

  7. #7


    I'd start with the gap first. The new style points could have a loose jam nut or something. Or a wire could have gotten pinched and is grounding out in the torch somewhere. The slight spark could be from the voltage circulating in the torch switch and is grounding out if the insulation is pinched or cut or something.
    Last edited by performance; 11-15-2012 at 08:31 PM.

  8. #8


    I will check the points tonight, I tried the extra torch Oleg sent me and it does the same, I am guessing it is something inside as it does it with the pedal also.
    PowerTig 200DX
    Supercut 50P
    PowerTig Micro 185 SOLD GREAT MACHINE
    Millermatic 200
    Miller Thunderbolt
    Jet 1340 Lathe
    Jet 20" Drill Press
    Jet 12" Wet Band Saw
    Kalamazoo H7 Bandsaw
    Forward 12,000 lb 4 Post Lift

  9. #9


    Points look good, appear to be about .060, could not see any bad or loose wires, may just be something with the way we are starting and stopping. Who knows i don't want to send it back for such a minor problem now that i have the gas problem solved. It's a nice little welder and gets used here in the shop 3-4 times a week for little projects and repairs. You cannot imagine how many things need fixing in the shop and around the farm here.
    PowerTig 200DX
    Supercut 50P
    PowerTig Micro 185 SOLD GREAT MACHINE
    Millermatic 200
    Miller Thunderbolt
    Jet 1340 Lathe
    Jet 20" Drill Press
    Jet 12" Wet Band Saw
    Kalamazoo H7 Bandsaw
    Forward 12,000 lb 4 Post Lift

  10. #10


    Point gap should be .035. That is too wide.

  11. #11


    Will check in the morning again , I am already inside for the night. If i am correct .035 for the new style points. There were no loose wires both nuts were tight on the points and the alignment was good also. They also looked clean no debri or dirt.
    PowerTig 200DX
    Supercut 50P
    PowerTig Micro 185 SOLD GREAT MACHINE
    Millermatic 200
    Miller Thunderbolt
    Jet 1340 Lathe
    Jet 20" Drill Press
    Jet 12" Wet Band Saw
    Kalamazoo H7 Bandsaw
    Forward 12,000 lb 4 Post Lift

  12. #12


    The points were fine looking at them in a mirror last night made them appear to be open more. Feeler gauge today and they are right at .035. I checked the torch switch for resistance and there was none in the open position, it functioned properly. If it gets worse i will contact ray.
    PowerTig 200DX
    Supercut 50P
    PowerTig Micro 185 SOLD GREAT MACHINE
    Millermatic 200
    Miller Thunderbolt
    Jet 1340 Lathe
    Jet 20" Drill Press
    Jet 12" Wet Band Saw
    Kalamazoo H7 Bandsaw
    Forward 12,000 lb 4 Post Lift

  13. #13


    Have done some checking with other people with these type of machines sounds like this is a common problem across the board on inverter type machines, Everyone tells me its a cycling issue and is common. My hydraulic cylinder i did last week was free from this issue and did just fine.
    PowerTig 200DX
    Supercut 50P
    PowerTig Micro 185 SOLD GREAT MACHINE
    Millermatic 200
    Miller Thunderbolt
    Jet 1340 Lathe
    Jet 20" Drill Press
    Jet 12" Wet Band Saw
    Kalamazoo H7 Bandsaw
    Forward 12,000 lb 4 Post Lift

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