Jakeru, you just added a grand to the cost of the machine!

Overall the basic design and parameters are going to closely match the EX/EXT units.
The cooling system will not change. It is still the same High Output fan design we use on all our units. It's not as much an issue with an improper blade design. It is aggressive to move a lot of air. This isn't your laptop with a low volume fan. You ask for duty cycle, we give it. But we have to give it around a design that works for us.
We have deleted the water flow function sensor on the unit. It is a cost item and an extra circuit to give issue. IF you want to prevent damage, simply use a fuseable lead. It is likely we can wire the plug to switch on but... This is a minor issue and the responsibility of the customer to manage the flow. Any damage resulting from not turning the cooler on is the operator's fault as it is and not part of the warranty.
The switch will not be added on the front. The plastic molds are cast. It is VERY expensive to make any changes to the mold. There was not enough room as it was.
The pulse and AC frequency range will be oriented around practicality and stability of the unit and not wild extremes that are of limited value.
The output is going to be 250 amps. That is the practical "target" limit we are shooting for in this unit on single phase. It's a range that works for us in our sales figures. If you need more, the 320 EXT is available now.
The super flex and all that stuff will be available as an additional purchase as of now.
We made the decision to drop the amplitude off of a variety of inputs. I did not agree with it, but it is gone. The basic features are already in development, so we are not able to make much changes at this point.