I have been practicing welding beads on 1/8" aluminum sheets 3/32 2% lath tungsten 150 amp and using the pedal at 15CFH argon, and it seems to be going great, 110HZ and 30% balance. However for the life of me I just cant seem to get a stable arc with amp settings in the range of 50-75 when practice beading 1/16" aluminum sheets. It would sputter intermittently at this amp range, I have played with frequency and balance and nothing seems to stop the intermittent sputter either with 1/16 or 3/32 tungsten. The sputter seems like it is cutting in and out very quickly. Going back again on the 1/8" aluminum at 150amp and it works fine. All my test parts were prepped the same way. I have had no trouble with DC on steel at low amp setting of 30-60 amps and the arc is smooth. I even ground clamped the part and has no effect.

I appreciate any advice you can offer? Thanks