Quote Originally Posted by JimMinKent View Post
Thanks Oleg,

As long as you're fine, I'm fine, and I can still use my ext while it's here.

That's very nice news on the first 500, I'm sure Duncan will keep them on track for a successful North American variant. I also look forward to any pix, specs, or anectodes about this project.

Will they reprint the front panels to have the model correctly stated as the 255EXT?

Now here is my last wish for today, since it only has One knob, can we have a nice one, maybe like the 250EX amp knob?

Okay, now that I've spent all of my wishes for this week, I bid you each good night.

Hey Jim

Yes for now all guys can use the welders. Finial version will have all correct prints and we working on nubs as well.
Mark actually found some very nice new nubs that will go on all of our units. 250EXT nightmare will not happen again