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Thread: Preventing sugaring/SS

  1. Default Preventing sugaring/SS

    How much argon do you need to purge pipe? Do you need a constant flow? Some of the work has over 20' of 1 1/2" 316 tubing. The main idea was not wasting the gas.

    What about joining plate?

    Everlast 225 LX
    Everlast PP 50

    HF 130 TIG/90 ARC
    HF 90 fluxcore

    ATX MIG (don't ask)

  2. #2


    The idea of purging is to remove all O2. Ideally, you figure the volume of your pipe in cubic feet and then divide by the flow rate converted to cfm, to get an approximate time needed in minutes to purge your pipe. But that does not take into account leaks etc. Usually argon is kept flowing a little into the area even after purging is taken place to keep the air from sucking in. You can test the purge with a "match test, open a piece of the pipe up and stick a match in. If it goes out quickly then its good.

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