Decided to make a new welding cart that will hold my band saw and also have a small plasma cutting area.
I am making this out of 11ga. 2" square tubing. The wheels I will be using are 5" with locks from Northern Tool.
I want to make the plasma cutting area the same height as the vise on my band saw so I can support longer pieces.
I will be using my IMIG200 for most of this project.
It's not going to be fancy or big because I have plans for a CNC plasma table in the future....
So, somehow, I totally forgot that my band saw swivels. I swiveled it to 45* and measured and I need 7 inches to clear the swiveled saw. GREAT!! .... Time to "adjust" my plans. I first was going to cut out an area in the plasma cutting section but it's small enough as is so I decided to just add 7" to mount the saw farther away from the risers to allow for the swivel. Sometimes I screw up...This is what happens when you get an idea and just start welding without drawing it out or double checking everything.