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Thanks once again Rambozo. Seems like a habit of mine to jump the gun and shoot my mouth off too early. I read that thread a while ago and didn't think to go back to it for more info. A search of the forum didn't turn up anything either. Good job on the slider though. I have that euro style torch and would want to do the thumb dial that you said the miller has.
Coupled with a switch to operate a propane shutoff valve for the argon and I'll have all the control I will need for tig. I got one of those lying around somewhere. Just have to find and rig it up. 12v though, that's the problem.
If you really want to get tricky, check out how Miller switches the argon on their lunchbox welder.
I might have to do the same as another mod. But I've been using valve torches for years and don't really mind them. With a valve you have complete on the fly control of pre flow and post flow. I do like the argon through the DINSE plug, though. With the new EXT in the wings, I'm waiting before I buy a TIG rig, so I can play around with this little box in the mean time.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!