This one however isn't really related to the functionality of the food pedal. While I agree it's not the BEST construction I've seen it's solid enough for my use. I had to make a couple modifications to make it work the way I wanted to however. I replaced the audio style (read Log scaled) with a linear POT and put some plastic feet on it so the screws weren't gratting on concrete. Those screws by the way strip out as soon as the screw driver gets to within one inch of touch them. Anyways....I digress.

Was working my Nickel welding christmas gift. Burnt though about $3 worth of Nickels practicing and dialinig in my settings. During the process some splinter in the back of my mind was telling me something was funky but I just pushed past it because I had to get the job done.

It turns out that my quick foot pedal press and releases were making the belt skip teetch on the cog attached to the pot. Well eventually the POT reached full scale and the foot pedal was acting as more of a switch. But the repeated press and release at full scale would pull the belt tight and relax. Eventually this repeated stress caused the bend under load repeatedly against the 90 degree bed that clamps it to the pedal. It broke right before my last weld of the project.

My questions are this. Has anyone modified their foot pedal to use something other than shody construction, cheap timing belt method in their foot pedal? Has anyone found an easily locatable store that would carry such belts so I might fix it until I come up with a better solution? Is this something everlast support would service (i.e. send me a new section of timing belt)?