Hi, My neme is Paul Miller, I recently bought the CT520D and despite working the bugs out, I really like it. The plasma cutter works well after you learn how to tweak it ( information on the forum) I really like the creativity and versatility of plasma after years with oxy/ace. Wish I had bought it sooner. The stick part of the machine works really slick too. I took a 1 year welding course at the local voc-tech and while there learned TIG and I love having a good TIG welder around to take care of thoes jobs where you have to worry about putting too much heat on the part. The TIG on the CT520 works great.

I've welded all my adult life but only professionally the last 8 years. I favor MIG but can do stick pretty well. i'll attach some pictures of some of my home projects.[attachment=2:1ppqbx69]Bird feeder.jpg[/attachment:1ppqbx69][attachment=1:1ppqbx69]bobcat bucket.jpg[/attachment:1ppqbx69][attachment=2:1ppqbx69]Bird feeder.jpg[/attachment:1ppqbx69]