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Thread: New Owner of PP256 in Nv

  1. #1

    Default New Owner of PP256 in Nv

    Well hello there community!

    My name is Donald T. From North Las Vegas.
    I just recently purchase a pp256, as I have been doing quite a bit of research of these machines. Having previously owned a miller cst 280 (just sold it on ebay to fund my new machine). The miller was a great machine, only lacking in the ability to do ac. but for the price it went for on ebay, 12xx. for just a few more hundred, I got a plasma cutter and the option to weld in ac. I also bought the machine of ebay.. at around the 16th of november. took longer than expected. blame ups for that.
    In any case, im in the construction Industry as an Ironworker, crane Op, structural welder. I love fabricating stuff..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Eastern Oregon


    Welcome aboard AsianPoet. Sounds like you are getting paid to do what you love, can't beat that. We all like pictures here, so hope you can post some of the stuff you build.
    Penncrest Buzzbox - Infinite amp control! Man the 70's were good.
    Everlast Powerplasma 60 - Reliable unit, cuts well.
    Everlast i-MIG 250P w/spoolgun - Really smooth, plenty of cajones.
    Everlast 250EXT - Sometimes it just takes a kick in the balls...
    Everlast 255EXT - Just started playing

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