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Thread: Superflex from CK...

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Middleburg Florida

    Default Superflex from CK...

    Holy crap, did they forget to put the power cable in there? How is this thing even possible and why didn't I buy one sooner! Just got in a CK9 w/25' superflex 1 piece cable, this thing is unreal. I stood there holding it talking to my wife, and actually went to go pick it up to show her, I'd forgotten it was in my hand!

    So now, if Uncle Sam doesn't bend me over, I'm looking at a watercooled Flexloc with superflex. Does anyone know how those lines compare to a 1 piece gas cooled? Are they pretty similar?
    Trip Bauer
    Former USN HT
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  2. #2


    I’ve had my CKFL2525SF, ($180.93) for a month, the two non-power lines are even more flexible then the water return power line. Don’t forget to get the correct Power fitting, I used CKSLWHAT-35-QD ($43.13) and ordered the male Quick disconnects from Everlast. I also ordered the CKFL2L head ($32.95) and the CK225HCLV 22’ Leather with Velcro hose cover ($50.65). These and other #2 and #3 CK consumables all came from Winona Minnesota.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Middleburg Florida


    Quote Originally Posted by Grandslam99 View Post
    I’ve had my CKFL2525SF, ($180.93) for a month, the two non-power lines are even more flexible then the water return power line. Don’t forget to get the correct Power fitting, I used CKSLWHAT-35-QD ($43.13) and ordered the male Quick disconnects from Everlast. I also ordered the CKFL2L head ($32.95) and the CK225HCLV 22’ Leather with Velcro hose cover ($50.65). These and other #2 and #3 CK consumables all came from Winona Minnesota.
    Cool, thanks! I'm going to order the one with the fuse in it, I know ArcZone has them, I don't thing WeldFabulous does in stock, but they said they can order whatever I get them a part number for. AZ has them for around $60, so not much more than a regular DINSE.

    I'm making some covers, waiting to see if my guy can get me a good price on hides in a green to match the welder
    Trip Bauer
    Former USN HT
    Everlast 200DX New Model
    Hobart Handler 125 MIG
    Van Norman #12
    Atlas 12" engine lathe
    '98 RoadKing - 84 Ironhead - 59 Ironhead

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Trip59 View Post
    Cool, thanks! I'm going to order the one with the fuse in it, I know ArcZone has them, I don't thing WeldFabulous does in stock, but they said they can order whatever I get them a part number for. AZ has them for around $60, so not much more than a regular DINSE.

    I'm making some covers, waiting to see if my guy can get me a good price on hides in a green to match the welder
    arczone does not stock them...they place the order with CK after you pay them, so they may be slow in sending you your order, accompanied by some BS excuses that don't include the truth... in my experience. ymmv
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by zoama585 View Post
    arczone does not stock them...they place the order with CK after you pay them, so they may be slow in sending you your order, accompanied by some BS excuses that don't include the truth... in my experience. ymmv
    Good to know. WeldFabulous is my pick, they've been awesome with each order, as well as their chat and when I've called in, I'll stick with them
    Trip Bauer
    Former USN HT
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by zoama585 View Post
    accompanied by some BS
    They seem to have a large stock of that.
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