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Thread: Flexible snake arm clamps for Tube welding?

  1. Lightbulb Flexible snake arm clamps for Tube welding?

    Happy Holidays Everlast community!

    As the new year approaches, and my body reminds me I'm not getting younger, I wanted to open discussion about clamping system ideas for thin (~16 gauge / ~2mm) tacked-together-tube consisting of irregular curves / angles (like exhaust headers, etc). When I weld custom stainless steel exhaust systems (including headers, etc), I lose a lot of time and energy trying to re-position clamps (& magnets) for the piping (Because it's not straight tube). Has anyone tried using 2 flexible arm clamps that are strong enough to hold the weight of a welding hand resting on the pipe, but not so strong that it prevents one to move and quickly turn the pipe to continue the weld bead?

    In my mind I was picturing those stainless steel flexible extenders used to hold microphones in any positions on mic stands. Sharing your ideas here would be very helpful and FUN!
    Last edited by Welderooni; 12-26-2012 at 12:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    I've always been impressed with this system from ACourtJester- I've toyed with the idea of making something similar to this just to have the clamping system in my little inventory.

    This wouldn't have the same immediate flexibility as the bendable microphone arm on a mic stand, but if you're fast with a socket wrench you could loosen and re-tighten as appropriate. The end that holds the tube might be a section of angle iron for the tube to rest in with a clamp over the top.
    Last edited by DaveO; 12-26-2012 at 03:21 PM.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012


    For assembling headers I've usually used hose clamps with a few holes in them to tack through. I also have some wider versions that are for some kind of plumbing pipe repair, but I have no idea where to get them anymore. There is a company that makes some real cool header jigging and clamping systems, I saw them at the SEMA show a few years ago, but I don't remember the name of the company. It's something like what these guys offer.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  4. Default

    There was a thread on here not too long ago about getting some fence hinges and modifying them to be a flexible clamp system. Let me go find it.
    Poewr I-Mig 205P
    Powertig 185

  5. Default!

    Instead of using spring clamps you could modify it to use hose clamps or whatever type of clamps will fit around your tubing. If you really wanted a snug clamp, you could cut a 1/2" section of pipe and then cut that in half so you have two "C" pieces. Weld the two C pieces onto a spring clamp and you'll have a clamp that fits your headers perfectly.
    Poewr I-Mig 205P
    Powertig 185

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