Hi all,
I made some cnc plasma cutters before, I use some standalone voltage THC's, candcnc's thc and capacitive thcs.
I am using hypertherm plasma unit right now for test. Because I just found it from a friend for test the thc.
There are two options on hypertherm's connections;
1-Using the divided volts from a cnc interface connector.
2-Using the undivided arc voltage from the inside of the plasma.
I am using first option, there are 50:1 divided volts. I can reading this voltage well with voltmeter. And I am not using the voltage divider resistors.
I have arc ok output from plasma. And one dry contact torch fire input.
I have few questions;
1-In the revESchematic the C8 value is 10uF but in the manual thats 68uF, in the component list same(68uF).
Which one is right? My voltage isnt stabil enough and I am not sure why?
2-I am trying to use windows thc interface but I have some trouble about it. I cant changing the modes, set volts etc.
But I can see the leds and current volts working well with changes in arduinos Analog input. And I cant using the signal
test screen to. When I hit the buttons there are no changes at the arduino output. Whats wrong? I can write a program in C.
But I dont know so much things about object based programming languages like c++, csharp, java etc. So I cant commenting the
source codes of windows interface.
3-I couldnt install the mach3 files. I copy the dll files in to PlugIns folder and Mach3 folder but there are no wizards
or plugins to use? So is there an any info about how to use the mach's thc plugin?
4-In my country its hard to find resistors like 9.53k. So I am using trimpot as a resistor. And I need to redesign pcb
for my components. I am using proteus to design the pcbs.But to be sure I am drawing the pcb without any mistakes
I want to see pcb layout.But when I open the eagle layout there are some pins not connected
to anywhere. Is there an complete layout or what should I change to see the all connections or layers. I tried something
but didnt work. If there is a printed complete pcb for arduino mega it will be great, I can buy it.
So I know something about electronic but not so much. I need just filters, and another things from arc voltages to
Arduinos analog pin. After I make filters of project, other part is not hard to make i think. Could anyone help me
about this? I buy lt1632 op-amp from an other country because there are no lt1632 in my country. But currently my
filter is not working nicely. I need very stabilized arc voltages at my arduino's analog pin.
Very perfect work EmptyNester(regeg). I will share my updates and changes with you. And I hope you will like it...
I am so sorry about my bad english.
Thanks in advance, have a nice arcs