Originally Posted by
You could also look into Raspberry Pi. I haven't used it, but it will operate at 800mHz and has 512MB onboard memory for $35. Might need a bit of thought to get an onboard display, but you may be able to stream via Ethernet to the PC and just use it as an interface box. They even have an "apps store"
I have a Pi. I was one of the lucky people to get it right after it released, but I've been so busy with the CNC table and this project that I've never even booted it.
I had considered using it but I see a couple drawbacks with it. I have yet to see a well documented hardware interface for expansion (thought I haven't looked recently). The common board for hardware expansion cost more than the Pi. And finally, it runs Linux. I have nothing against Linux, but being a very feature rich and capable operating system it is very complex. I wanted something that would be simple for people to understand, learn and experiment with.
There are a couple of advantages with the Kinetis. I have a lot of experience with Freescale parts and tools (I'm partial). It can be used without an OS. If I want to use an OS, Freescale offers a free RTOS on most of their new processors. I've used MQX (the free RTOS) on a number of different work/commerical products I've developed and its worked well for me. Its full source, lightweight and you can't beat the price.
I guess the Kinetis is the case of being really good with a hammer so I want every project to be a nail
Just starting in Aug '10
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