last three pics.
last three pics.
Nice little project,,I have almost the same type of vise,,,very handy for positionng stuff so you can grind or weld ,,,much better that those old record type,,, I see you have a mag drill,,I'm about to spring for one myself,,,an MD 45 0- 350 rpm,,,not sure if that is the right speed range,,,but the price seems right and I like the varible speed idea cause I'm gonna use it for line boring some day..
Some of those lies people tell about me, are true
geezer, i have not used that model but i think it is likely it goes to 450 rpm. the milwaukee is an excellent mag DRILL but when you want to switch to annular cutters you have to use an attachment (not cheap) mfg'd by them and you have to use cutters mfg'd by them (also not cheap). that sucks. so i have a small, 28 pound champion that i use for annular cutters. the problem with that unit is that it turns at 550 rpms and is not variable speed. this is not good when trying to put holes in SS. i had owned a dewalt 155 or 151don't recall, (it was the lighter of the two models) but it was the best that i have used as far as mag drills set up for annular cutters.
the variable speed is an absolute must if you are going to have one mag drill. pay the extra money no matter what. even though the milwaukee co. is screwing me every time i have to buy one of their cutters it is still worth it to have the ability to do both operations at varying speeds. another thing about the milwaukee is the ability to change the location of the bit. the distance from the centerpoint of the drill into the material. if you look at the picture i think you can see that the head can be flipped giving me 2 or 4 inches of depth. the advantage/disadvantage to this arrangement is that the breakaway point comes sooner when the four inch distance is used because of the additional leverage you get.
i find the units indispensible and if i had to choose between a floor mounted drill press and one of these i would take the mag drill hands down. of course that is because i spend a lot of time outside.
the milwaukee has eleven inches of travel. this can be important. it will also take a two inch cutter. if you notice in the photo i am cheating with the short cutter chucked up in the chuck. i had to put that one inch plate underneath it and also drill a 7/32 pilot hold in my piece first so that the centering point would be able to move down through the part while i was cutting. chucking up the cutter like this is definitely not recommended but you know how that goes.
Thanks for the info,,,here is what I'm gonna get,,
would like a milwaukee but they are too pricey for me..the MD 45 has only 7 inches of travel ,,,that could be a problem,,,but for that kinda money I'll take a chance..see how it works out..
Some of those lies people tell about me, are true
that looks like a good deal especially with a full set of cutters included. don't think you'll regret making the buy and seven inches of travel will be plenty. also, i was surprised to see that they spun at 350 top end. i have heard that the evolution mag drills are pretty good and they appear to be fairly priced a couple of the sellers on ebay offer them with the cutter kit.
i bought the champion off of ebay and thought it was variable speed. big mistake; it spins at 550 rpms and that's too fast. i was on a large beam, 3/4 flange, about 50 feet up and had one 13/16th hole that would not line up with the threaded rod i wanted to pass through it. i was in the air and i would have had to go back down and over to the truck which was a ways off. there was a 7/8ths bit in the basket and even as i was making the decision to use it, i knew in the back of my head i was making a mistake. i chucked it up and started to slowly feed it and it bound up. it bound so tightly and quickly that it broke the bond of the magnet from the I beam. did three or four complete revolutions before the helper, who was sitting on the same beam behind me got a hold of the cord and disconnected it. i was lucky it did not fly off into space and hit something.
if i had had a variable speed i would have been feeding that bit a lot slower. it was spinning too fast; particularly in that location.
fatigue and impatience will get you every time. good luck
Last edited by fdcmiami; 01-05-2013 at 11:33 AM.
That's a good one,,,makes a guy wonder why they have those safety chains and straps on them,,,had a similar experience with a drill with the trigger on lock,,,you never realize the power until it's too late...I'm throwing together a line boring outfit for boring pin holes on heavy equipment and I need something with variable speed as cutting large holes with a carbide cutter on a shaft requires slow turning due to the large dia...I like the Milwaukee cause it has an adjustable base plate...but it is too expensive for I'll make do with the MD 45 at least it has the variable speed...of course I could probably get by with an old drill using a router speed controll on it,,,you may want to try a router speed control on yours,,,they are cheap and will handle up to 15 amp tools..
Some of those lies people tell about me, are true