Hello all, new to this forum.
I have a Rotenbach brand Super 200p and have been very happy with it until now.
I was going to do some MMA welding and discovered that i had no arc!
I double checked all cables, ground but they were good.
Then i tried plasma and TIG ,both AC and DC, same result, no spark at all.
The display reads "000" no matter how i turn the "amp knob".
The "over current light" does Not come on
I hear relays click as i switch from MMA to TIG, sounds normal
I have measured all power transistors and diodes and i cannot find any shorted component.
On the "top left" circuit board i measure 320 volt DC in from the rectifiers below but there is 0 volt out from this board.
I beleive the "front board" (the one with the potentionmeters) send controll voltages to the "top left" board to regulate current and so on but i cannot find any regulated voltage when i turn the "amp knob" and measure with a multimeter
There are 2 green LED's on the "top left" power board, they are lit up, (i think they indicate the 320 volt DC)
There are 3 red LED's on this board (and an small adjacent board thats soldered to this top board) none of these LED's are lit up.
there is a board "in the center at the bottom of the machine" this board gets 4 volatages from the transformer also down at the bottom.
the transformer puts out 4 20 volts in 8 cables that feed this board, there are 3 15volt voltage stabilisers on this board, they all have 15 volt out, but there are 4 connectors leaving this board, 2 wires each (red and black) leeding up to the different power transistor boards, there is only 4.5 volts at these connectors.
I am a trained electronics repairman (or used to be, i dont work with it anymore) so i should be able to repair this if i only had a schematic or got some tips on what to check next.
I will ofcourse pay for a schematic if anyone has it.
So anyone who had this problem or Everlast support, please post some info about it
Regards /Janne Strom