Just purchased the PowerTig 200DX, after opening it up I was pleasantly surprised at how well everything looked. It was very easy to setup and get going. However once I got going, I could not get a good weld out of it. After doing some research on here, and playing with the setting for a few hours, with no luck, I decide to ask the experts. I'm not new to TIG welding, but I am new to the PowerTIG.
I'm just messing around on some 3/16 carbon steel. I'm using 3/32 2% thoriated tungsten, 3/32 ER70s-6 filler rod and I'm using the foot pedal. I'm using 100% argon with the flow meter set to 20. No argon leaks that I can hear.
Here are some pics of the welds, and my settings on the front of the machine. Any help is appreciated!