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Thread: Winter Contest Project #1 Return Air Furnace Stand

  1. #1

    Default Winter Contest Project #1 Return Air Furnace Stand

    I am the service manager for a small HVAC shop in Goodyear, AZ. Recently I secured a contract for the city of Surprise,AZ to do all their mechanical work. They have a program for low income households every year. If you fill out all the paperwork with the city and qualify, the city will pay for some needed renovations to your home. 1 of these jobs was for a very nice retired lady on Social Security. I replaced her gas furnace, evaporator coil, and her air conditioner. There was nothing wrong with her existing equipment other than age... So I decided instead of scrapping the old equipment I would install the system on my garage.

    So this project is a stand for the furnace.

    The plan is to use 1" 6061 Aluminum square tubing to build a stand for the furnace. I will use some aluminum sheet to encompass the stand and use a 16 X 25 X 1 filter grill on the side.

    I used my Everlast 225LX set in AC with frequency at 120, balance set to 35%, Amps set to 140, CK130 Flex with gas saver kit. 3/32" 1.5% lanthanated tungsten ground sharp using about 7lpm argon using 4043 Aluminum fillrod.

    Dimensions of the stand is 28" x 21" x 21" tall.

    Everlast PowerTIG 225LX
    Everlast Power IMIG 200

  2. #2


    I ran out of 1" square tubing before I could finish the stand... 36" short... Will resume Monday after I go get some more tubing and some sheet.
    Everlast PowerTIG 225LX
    Everlast Power IMIG 200

  3. Default

    That seems to be the way it always works. You either end up with way to much, or just a foot too little.
    Poewr I-Mig 205P
    Powertig 185

  4. #4


    I haven't purchased any new tubing for this. I got extremely busy at work and have not had the time to complete this project. But I have learned a few things from this project and a few other projects I've welded at work.
    One thing that I didn't do here but should have is cut the ends of the tube at a 45 degree angle and welded them together so there is not a awkward open end. I learned this doing some 1" steel frame for some stuff at work!!!
    Looking to finish this project possibly next week.
    Everlast PowerTIG 225LX
    Everlast Power IMIG 200

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by sw2x View Post
    I haven't purchased any new tubing for this. I got extremely busy at work and have not had the time to complete this project. But I have learned a few things from this project and a few other projects I've welded at work.
    One thing that I didn't do here but should have is cut the ends of the tube at a 45 degree angle and welded them together so there is not a awkward open end. I learned this doing some 1" steel frame for some stuff at work!!!
    Looking to finish this project possibly next week.
    For joints you forgot to miter, you can get some square plastic plugs that snap in the end of the tubing. It's a quick and easy way to finish off things, and looks nice. Another option is to weld flat caps to the ends, and grind smooth. I used the plastic cap for the tube that the hand winch mounts on, and welded caps for another project.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Projects 523.JPG 
Views:	460 
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ID:	9556 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Ladder09.JPG 
Views:	433 
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ID:	9557
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  6. #6


    I'm pretty much learning from my mistakes... I don't have anybody to teach me so....
    Everlast PowerTIG 225LX
    Everlast Power IMIG 200

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by sw2x View Post
    I'm pretty much learning from my mistakes... I don't have anybody to teach me so....
    As I read elsewhere, 'experience' is what we name our mistakes

    I have a lot of 'experience.'

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