So at work we have a dolly for moving HVAC equipment. One of the wheels was broken. The wheels are maybe $6 at harbor freight but my co worker is too lazy to run to harbor freight and buy a new one. One day it was slow and we had to move some equipment and I was fed up with him using my dolly all the time so I pulled the wheel off. I had nothing to do and hadn't picked up my tig torch in months and figured it'd be good practice and if I screwed it up it's only a $6 wheel.
The material wasn't very magnetic, but definitely was not stainless, some kind of pot metal so I just took a stab at it with carbon steel filler material.
Used 3/32" 2% thoriated tungsten with 3/32" ER70S-2.
I initially tacked it together and then used pulse and walked the cup around while dipping at a fairly quick pace. Was trying to limit heat input so I didn't cook the bearings. Turned out great. Wheel is fixed and the owner of the company was impressed, now he's got me welding on stainless hoods....