The muriatic acid treatment leaves a nice clean surface. I normally spray it on with a spray bottle. It's best done outdoors. Keep a water hose and an air nozzle nearby so you can rinse it off and neutralize the acid and dry it off. You can also spray it with a baking soda solution to further neatralize the acid after your done and rinse it off. Then blow it dry with an air nozzle immediately to stop the rust. It might be a little toxic but it's the quickest easiest way to getter done. It's so quick and easy that if you've never done it before, you'll wonder why you wasted so much time grinding and sanding in the past.
Also works great for removing surface rust in a hurry.
Soon to be 2013 250EX tig machine
Lincoln Idealarc DC250 with LN7 wire feeder
RSG250 spool gun and controller for above.
Hypertherm Powermax85 with Machine and hand torch
Bridgeport Milling Machine w/DRO and Powerfeed
South Bend 9 lathe WW2 vintage
Devilbiss 6.5hp 80gal 175psi 2 stage compressor
HF blast Cabinet modified for foot pedal operation better gun.
Oxy/A torches
Delta 4x6 band saw
Hand and power tools up the wazoo.
The name's "Marcel" in case I forget to sign.