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Thread: Tungsten turning dark gray

  1. Default Tungsten turning dark gray

    225LX set at 122 amps/foot control AC Aluminum, AC freq dial at 9 '0clock and bal about 10 'oclock.

    welding in 1/2"X1 3/4" 3/8" plugs in cast aluminum exhaust manifold to seal up water passages.

    The 1/16" ceriated tungsten is turning dark gray and recedes into the cup which is getting very hot.

    What am I doing wrong?


    Everlast 225 LX
    Everlast PP 50

    HF 130 TIG/90 ARC
    HF 90 fluxcore

    ATX MIG (don't ask)

  2. Default

    What is your argon flow?

    1/16 might be a bit small or at least 3/32 would be much better. Grind the tip taper 1.5 to 2 diameters of the tungsten then blunt the tip to 1/4 diameter.

    Try turning up the AC freq just a bit. 120cycles/second is a starting point.

  3. Default

    100% argon at about 10 liters. I did see a black shadow outside the cleaning halo but turning more EP balled the tungsten more.

    Lowered freq(it was set about 220 hz) and didn't get as much darkening of the tungsten but the ball did explode on me. I'll have to go to the welding supply tomorrow for 3/32 tungsten.

    I did get a crater that I couldn't fill, either. Drilled it out some with 3/32" bit but it wouldn't get heat in the hole. I'll try a carbide burr and 'V' it out.
    Last edited by jtybt; 02-11-2010 at 12:59 AM.

    Everlast 225 LX
    Everlast PP 50

    HF 130 TIG/90 ARC
    HF 90 fluxcore

    ATX MIG (don't ask)

  4. #4


    You may have a restriction somewhere, as it seems to be an issue with coverage, or it may be a contaminated tank, which is quite common these days.

    Another issue might be too much torch angle. This can cause poor coverage.

  5. Default

    Got the 3/32" thoriated tungsten and put a #8 cup. I didn't get the groove filled but the 3/32 covered more area so it capped. I ground ity down without hitting a void so I plan to leave it like that. There's a 3/8"" SS flange that covers the water passages so even a small hole won't let any water into the exhaust manifolds or engine. 9 more holes to plug and I hope I'm good to go.

    One thing...I don't seem to have a handle on the pulse thingy. Adjusting frequency is very obvious. How do I go about setting pulse so I see what difference it makes so I know how to make adjustments?

    Everlast 225 LX
    Everlast PP 50

    HF 130 TIG/90 ARC
    HF 90 fluxcore

    ATX MIG (don't ask)

  6. #6



    As far as the pulse goes, I am not quite sure what you are asking, but there is no ONE adjustment that will make a difference for you. Pulse is geared toward the law of averages, all average together to form an average amperage over a given period of time. Pulse frequency is the most visible control, as you can see the pulse at slow speeds. If you can't get hold of the pulse settings, don't worry about it. It will come with time and practice. But it is not necessary for normal welding.

    A #8 cup is quite large for a 3/32 tungsten. A number 6 might give you less turbulence and pinpoint coverage as far as gas goes.

  7. Default

    Thanks for that Mark, I need suggestions like cup size. I thought the larger the opening, the slower the flow rather than being necked down to smaller cup size.

    Actually, the 1/16" tungsten was working fine except where the contamination was coming up from the casting.

    In case I get another crater that won't fill, is it possible to stick a separate small tungsten in the puddle so it will flow lower in the crater rater than just capping the crater?

    Everlast 225 LX
    Everlast PP 50

    HF 130 TIG/90 ARC
    HF 90 fluxcore

    ATX MIG (don't ask)

  8. #8


    With a larger cup, you will need much higher flow rates.

    If I understand your question about sticking tungsten in the puddle, No, you shouldn't ever risk contamination of the puddle.

  9. Default

    I think the problem ended up being a leak when I tried to 'T' in the argon line to my MIG.

    Everlast 225 LX
    Everlast PP 50

    HF 130 TIG/90 ARC
    HF 90 fluxcore

    ATX MIG (don't ask)

  10. #10


    A Mig shouldn't use pure argon, unless you are doing aluminum. I was wondering about that. Is that what you are doing?

  11. Default

    Naw! The MIG and TIG are for mostly SS and some aluminum. I thought you could use Argon for least that's what I've been doing. I have a separate Harbor freight TIG/Stick and a flux core for steel. That little inverter TIG/stick is the neatest little stick welder I got. It's the size of a small loaf of bread.

    Everlast 225 LX
    Everlast PP 50

    HF 130 TIG/90 ARC
    HF 90 fluxcore

    ATX MIG (don't ask)

  12. #12


    You'll get better bead contour and results with at least 18 percent CO2 for MIG. I use a 18% blend for spray on mig...however you'll get better results with a 75/25 mix of Argon/CO2. Aluminum is the only thing good for pure argon and MIG. It seem everyone wants a "one" gas solution. If there was such a thing, then there'd probably be a "one" welder solution. The CO2 in the mix is critical for penetration and heating up the weld.

  13. Default

    OK! Thanks again.

    I'm learning more every day.

    This site rocks...QUICK responses!

    Everlast 225 LX
    Everlast PP 50

    HF 130 TIG/90 ARC
    HF 90 fluxcore

    ATX MIG (don't ask)

  14. #14


    C25 (75/25) for MIG steel.

    Argon for the rest on TIG and aluminum MIG.

    Two types of gas handle it all to start. If that is not working, more practice.

    Then you get to Mark's level with spay and the helium/aluminum mixes.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  15. Default

    I was recently fighting similar things on my machine. Thanks to this forum you really helped me narrow it down to a gas delivery issue. Thought maybe I had contaminated gas, or a hole in my line...turns out it was a super simple fix, that I wished didn't take me 4 days to figure out! Don't be like me!

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