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Thread: a foot pedal question about the power tig 185

  1. Default a foot pedal question about the power tig 185

    hi. i'm thinking of getting the powertig 185. it seems great for a beginner like me, who has just about no money at all, but wants to weld steel and aluminum.
    anyway, here's my question:
    i know the pedal over-rides the panel and controls the full range of amps. but does the display still show the amps when you use the pedal?
    i'm thinking of maybe making an adjustable stop to mechanically limit the pedal travel. i was wondering if you can press the pedal before starting an arc to see the amps change, then adjust a stopper at the highest amperage you want to use. i know its not a perfect solution because it lowers the amount of pedal travel, but it just might be good enough for now. also, have any of you tried this?
    thanks in advance for helping out.

  2. Default

    It would be easier to put a potentiometer on the pedal and control it electronically rather than mechanically. I was thinking about doing it to mine, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I do believe someone on here has modified the pedal to limit the output, but I'm not sure where the thread is.
    Poewr I-Mig 205P
    Powertig 185

  3. Default

    that's a good idea too! and i will look into that as well.

    but anyway, does anyone know if the display still functions before you strike an arc if its in pedal mode?

  4. #4


    It functions when you weld, and reads appropriately at 000 when at rest.

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