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Thread: AC Buss Box Tig Welding?

  1. Default AC Buss Box Tig Welding?

    I just got interested in TIG welding. I viewed a posting on Youtube about old school tig welding with a Lincoln 225 welder and a rectifier for DC tig welding using a WP-17 tig torch with a argon valve. Is it possible to use an AC bus box with this same torch setup? I realize that it would not have a HiFreq start, but I am wondering what the results would be on welding aluminum? I have an old Craftsman/Century AC 235 bus box and a WP-17 torch setup but I do not want to mess either of them up.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by jem5rn View Post
    I just got interested in TIG welding. I viewed a posting on Youtube about old school tig welding with a Lincoln 225 welder and a rectifier for DC tig welding using a WP-17 tig torch with a argon valve. Is it possible to use an AC bus box with this same torch setup? I realize that it would not have a HiFreq start, but I am wondering what the results would be on welding aluminum? I have an old Craftsman/Century AC 235 bus box and a WP-17 torch setup but I do not want to mess either of them up.
    You will need a rectifier to get DC for steel or a High Freq unit for AC on aluminum. The problem with a transformer AC welder is that it is a sine wave, so the arc will not hold through the zero crossing without HF to stabilize it. For AC sinewave welding you run the HF continuously. With a square wave you just need HF to start. So the short answer is that you won't hurt anything, but you will not be very successful with that. If you had a lot of experience you might be able to get a high amp weld, but it would not be easy and it would not be a quality weld. For a novice, don't even try. But if you add a few large diodes to your buzz box you could jump right in with some DC TIG. My first TIG rig was a Century AC/DC buzz box with a WP-17V torch.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Hey, jem5rn-
    You have another post about your PA 140 ST, which will do lift start DC TIG... are you thinking about revamping the buzzbox for the learning and the doing of the experience? Perfectly valid, of course; it may be a long walk down a dark and winding road, but nothing beats experience.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  4. Default

    Thanks for the info. I just received my PA140ST and I think that that it will be a good start for me on DC tig. I learned to weld with a gas torch over 40 years ago. I am hoping that I can still follow the puddle on tig. Eyes and hands are not what they used to be at 20.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by jem5rn View Post
    Eyes and hands are not what they used to be at 20.
    Good thing they make cheater lenses for welding helmets!

    But losing the depth of field is a pain.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

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