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I just got interested in TIG welding. I viewed a posting on Youtube about old school tig welding with a Lincoln 225 welder and a rectifier for DC tig welding using a WP-17 tig torch with a argon valve. Is it possible to use an AC bus box with this same torch setup? I realize that it would not have a HiFreq start, but I am wondering what the results would be on welding aluminum? I have an old Craftsman/Century AC 235 bus box and a WP-17 torch setup but I do not want to mess either of them up.
You will need a rectifier to get DC for steel or a High Freq unit for AC on aluminum. The problem with a transformer AC welder is that it is a sine wave, so the arc will not hold through the zero crossing without HF to stabilize it. For AC sinewave welding you run the HF continuously. With a square wave you just need HF to start. So the short answer is that you won't hurt anything, but you will not be very successful with that. If you had a lot of experience you might be able to get a high amp weld, but it would not be easy and it would not be a quality weld. For a novice, don't even try. But if you add a few large diodes to your buzz box you could jump right in with some DC TIG. My first TIG rig was a Century AC/DC buzz box with a WP-17V torch.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!