Hello everyone. I just recieved my new welder (250ex). I have a few question after using it for the first time.
1. When I switch the power on I get a spark on the left side of the unit inside behind the air vent. Is this normal?

2. I'm using a blue 3/32 tungeston and after welding about an inch I get a ball on the end. I'm running my gas at 7LPM, A/C balance on 65. welding alunimun at .090 thick around 75 amps SR18 torch. What am I doing wrong? Because I'm over 30 amps I'm not putting a point at the end of the tungeston.

3. I'm having a hard time back off on the foot pedal to reduce my amps when things get too hot. Is this foot pedal crap? I had someone watch the amps on the welder and the do drop as i back off but it seems like a light switch. I'm thinking of ordering the USA made on to help me out.

4. Is this the correct part number for a glas lense for this torch CK D4GS332LD?

I watched alot of welding tips and tricks videos on you tube. He convinced me on this unit.

Thanks Jeff