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Thread: 210ext

  1. Default 210ext

    Hi all.I am new to this site and only been tiggin' a couple of months.
    Got the equivalent of the 210ext just before xmas,main differences are its blue,50Hz and no fancy perspex face cover,as im in the EU
    Anyway,the question mightnt even be machine specific....
    When welding alumin(i)um,i sometimes hear the arc breaking for a split second,normally when into a longer run i.e. 5 or 6 inches (shorter than that it doesnt occur)
    its only brief,and not visible as it happens,or when inspecting the weld after finishing.on occasion it gets more pronounced and on a rare occasion you can see the arc flicker.
    it seems like a break in earth/ground.
    my question - is aluminum sensitive to earthing more so than steel?it seems to occur as the piece gets hotter?
    couple of points,it does not happen on DC
    i am nowhere near pushing the duty %,as it happens on 1mm the same as 6mm
    tungsten type and prep make no change


  2. Default

    anyone know?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Canada, Suttonwest, Ontario


    Try Tech Support in EU or the main one at Everlast.

    Ray :
    Mike :

  4. #4


    Our units are unique... not same as what you think...won't be any cross over information that could help.

  5. Default

    yes it has a unique color,front panel,50 Hz software,etc,but its hardly 100% different.made by same guys in same factory

  6. #6


    Nope, internals are completely different...and some functions are as well. We have compared the differences and there notable differences.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Cornwall on Hudson, NY


    The fix I had for cracking and popping of the arc on AC for AL, was a circuit board the company sent that I installed two days ago. The problem has not recurred and I am pleased there was a fix. The issue I had was no direction at all for the installation that turned out to be stone simply, but I had to intuitively figure it out. The fix was a reprogrammed board from what I was told. Although I don't know that circuit boards are programmed but manage the program in a CPU.

  8. Default

    do you know which board it was?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by piopio View Post
    do you know which board it was?

    you can buy the board , its 250$ + shipping
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

  10. Default

    thanks Oleg
    I will contact you via pm

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