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Thread: Power Master 205 New User Review

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Coopersburg, PA

    Default Power Master 205 New User Review

    As a new owner and operator of an Everlast Power Master 205 multi-process machine, I wanted to give my feedback and impressions from the first contact with Everlast employees to the first use of my new machine.

    First though, a little background info on what led me to purchasing one of these and going with this product. A few years ago I started out on a Lincoln Precision Tig 185 and had this at my house for any personal projects I'd need to do. While working at a custom fabrication motorsports shop, my boss suggested I sell it since I rarely used it and could have use of the shop tools after hours whenever I'd need them. I eventually did sell that tig, but times have changed and with more responsibilities at home I'm left with little spare time to stay late at work and use that equipment. A recent side art project I was inquired about doing sparked my interest in getting another machine that I could easily transport and setup in my basement since 1.) using my cluttered garage in 20* weather wasn't an ideal option and 2.) using my Lincoln mig would not provide the precise control and clean finish I'd be looking for in the final product.

    So at that point I was on a mission to look for a basic tig welder, and an inverter at that. I came across a few, including Miller Maxstars, Thermal Arc's, and some other no-namers along with Harbor Freight being thrown in the mix. My budget started out low, around $400, because I was hoping this project would help pay for the welder and add another tool to my collection. I soon realized that I 1.) did not want to work without a foot pedal, and 2.) would find the use of a plasma very helpful with the stainless sheet I planned on working with. The choices narrowed more, and with a few google searches on reviews for some even more no-namer brands I came across some positive reviews, photos, and videos for the Everlast brand. Along with that was quite a bit of activity on the forums and constant customer relations to help solve any issues or questions they had. So on that note.... on to my review

    Customer Service
    From my first contact with Oleg through emails, to the purchasing phone call speaking with Alex, I had very good communication with the Everlast team and very prompt replies. The first email with Oleg I sent roughly 11pm EST (8pm PST) and had a reply about 1/2 hour later that I discovered the next morning I had just missed. I was expecting up to 2 days or even no reply at all personally, so this gave me the initial hope and confidence that I'd be dealing with a good company.

    Shipping & Packaging
    I had ordered the machine on a Monday, gave my email address for a tracking # to be sent to, and sat back and waited. California to PA is approximately 5 days shipping time, but it looks like it took an additional day as it showed up Tuesday the following week. I never did receive an email with tracking info for some reason, but I wasn't too worried about it since they did tell me the machine was in stock at the time of ordering.

    The welder showed up with a little bit of UPS abuse to the box, so I made sure to take everything out and apart to inspect the contents 100%. I'm not too positive how the previous welders were packaged before, but I do like the fitted foam suspending the 2010 style machine on all sides. I went as far as taking the casing off the welder to inspect the upper board tray and other internals only to find everything to appear in order.

    Parts & Features
    Everything that was said to be included with this machine was. I did notice the torch was blue rather than green, but expected that from others feedback on the forums. The stick electrode holder appears to also be the red older style and not the model pictured on the site, however when it's going to be thrown on a shelf and probably never even used by me anytime soon I can't complain too much. :p

    The quality of the torch, plasma cutter, cables, covers, etc were a bit better than I was expecting, while not exactly sure what to be expecting. I can't say if they're on par with some of the USA made equipment, but without long term use on the unit and pieces yet I can't say if they're not on par either. I'm personally just going into this tool purchase with simple expectations that it'll pay for itself with the first few projects and anything after that will be a win win and begin to show off its durability.

    Now on to the pro's and con's...

    The good:
    -The machine welds very good--as good as the user can weld and as good as the settings can be adjusted correctly.
    -The foot pedal didn't need any modifying (yet) like some others have ran into. Having the amp adjustment knob on the pedal does come in handy sometimes rather than going all the way back over to the machine to change the amps.
    -The plasma cuts like it should and what it's rated for.
    -The machine is reasonably light and small and much more mobile than the tig welders I've been using and am used to.
    -The tig torch and plasma quick disconnect fitting for the gas is really nice and convenient.

    The bad:
    -The foot pedal is a bit tall and clumsy for my liking. I've maxed it out and it felt at some point it wanted to tip over forward if I pressed more. It is better than no pedal at all though. Scratch start, no thank you!
    -The air/gas lines that come with the kit and need swapping between welding and plasma cutting are not too hose clamp friendly--meaning the tubing isn't conforming to the hose barb enough when cranking down on the clamp and creating a tight seal. I initially had argon leaking at my regulator and the back of the unit, but tightened the hose clamps even more until it sealed, however I'm afraid that any tighter and I'll be breaking the worm drive clamp. Plans to fix this include converting the machine and plasma pressure regulator over to use the standard argon rubber hoses and fittings I have left over from my previous tig.
    -AC balance--I have tried going back and forth with this knob to control the white cleaning haze along the weld with no change, but this could be my fault with other machine settings I'm using. This is something I noticed with only one use total so far so it could change later.
    -The torch and leads are a bit bulkier and heavier than the Weldcraft torches I'm used to. Then again it could be saying maybe I should be going to the gym more :p

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Coopersburg, PA


    Here are some pics below from initial box delivery to final setup and use.

    Squished a little from UPS

    Bagged for freshness

    The accessories box

    Inside the PM205 unit

    Plasma regulator, consumables, extras

    The enemies in red. All powered up


    Air leak culprit
    Last edited by 91TSiGuy; 02-13-2010 at 03:04 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Coopersburg, PA


    Had to biggie size the plasma air fitting for what I use at work and home

    Torch comparison

    Plasma comparison (vs. Thermal Dynamics Cutmaster 82)

    Electrode holder

    Foot pedal comparison

    Got the plasma guide messed up from some hole piercing in 1/2"

    Some aluminum tube ".065 welds

    Some stainless test pieces and messing around

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Coopersburg, PA


    Plasma cut 1/2" and 1/4" pieces

    Plasma cut 1/8" and 1/16" (I believe)

    Aluminum welding video, Part 1

    Stainless steel welding video, Part 2

    Plasma cutting testing video, Part 3


  5. #5


    First off, thanks for your review of our product and the time you spent on it. Quality reviews like yours keep us moving.

    It's a very good review and you compare us to products you already have it appears. And I am sure you paid a lot more for those products.

    We're always working on improving our product and we still keep our cost down. But this does take time.

    As you mentioned the foot pedal, we are working on a new low profile pedal. Small TIG torch head is nice in tight spaces. But I can only assure you that we here at Everlast are always improving our product line.

    On the 1/4" NPT, it is more of a standard for small/home shops. I really liked the biggie sized comment though. And last, a buddy has all our products in his welding shop now, with the exception of the old TD 75XL.

    Thanks again for your review.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Coopersburg, PA



    I changed over the regulator and argon feed fittings to make swapping hoses cake and to bypass the water separator properly when using argon. Here is what I ended up with.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by 91TSiGuy View Post

    I changed over the regulator and argon feed fittings to make swapping hoses cake and to bypass the water separator properly when using argon. Here is what I ended up with.

    I have been tring to figure out an easy way to make swithing easy.
    That looks easy, thanks for the pictures

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