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Thread: Compressor???

  1. #1

    Default Compressor???

    Will this compressor work with the PP50 if I attach it to a larger tank (20+gal)? I want this compressor because of how quite it is. If I attached it to a large tank in the shop I can quickly remove it and take it into my basement and use it for upholstery work without making a bunch of noise that will wake up the whole neighborhood and piss of my other half.

    What do you guys think? It will only be used for hand held jobs not on a Plasma table. The longest cut I'd be doing would be maybe a 3 or 4 foot continuous cut on 3/16th steel max on rare occasions.

    If you know of any large stand up compressors that are this quite please let me know. Down the road I plan on getting one and plumbing the air lines from the shop to the basement of the house. I just don't want to do that right now.
    Alvarez Metal Works
    Syracuse/DeWitt, NY

    *** PowerTIG 210 EXT *** PowerPlasma 50 *** I-MIG 200 ***

  2. #2


    5.3 CFM will work,,,however the tank is way too small,,a constantly running compressor will drive you nuts...I have used smaller compressors than that one for very short cuts,,bigger is always better when you talk give it a burst of capacity you could do a tandem hook up with one of those portable tanks for pumping up tires,,,I did that ,,it worked better
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by geezer View Post
    5.3 CFM will work,,,however the tank is way too small,,a constantly running compressor will drive you nuts...I have used smaller compressors than that one for very short cuts,,bigger is always better when you talk give it a burst of capacity you could do a tandem hook up with one of those portable tanks for pumping up tires,,,I did that ,,it worked better
    That's basically what I was thinking but with a larger tank than one of those little portable tanks. I was thinking about buying a crappy 20 plus gal used compressor just for the tank and plumbing this into that tank for extra capacity. That would give me at least 24 gallons (maybe more if I can find a good deal on a bigger one).
    Alvarez Metal Works
    Syracuse/DeWitt, NY

    *** PowerTIG 210 EXT *** PowerPlasma 50 *** I-MIG 200 ***

  4. #4


    The draw back to that ype of system is the wait time until you get the tank filled to the pressure you want..
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  5. #5


    5.3 CFM @ 90 psi while only using 14A 110v? I didn't realize there were compressors that were this efficient. Or is this a case of inflated numbers?

    I only plan on making short cuts but was also thinking about tapping a portable tank to my little compressor to give it a bit more capacity - maybe 20 or 30 gallons total. Geezer is right though. Recharge time is something to be considered with these 110v compressors.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr120 View Post
    5.3 CFM @ 90 psi while only using 14A 110v? I didn't realize there were compressors that were this efficient. Or is this a case of inflated numbers?
    Yeah I know huh... Based on the research I've done I've seen nothing but good reviews and haven't heard anything about inflated numbers. Did you watch the video to see how quite this thing is? If it pulls those numbers on a 110V outlet while being this quite I'm sold. Those are big numbers for such a small compressor. That's why I was thinking it could handle a larger tank.

    They do offer this in a 220 though. I wanted the 110 so I can plug it in anywhere.
    Alvarez Metal Works
    Syracuse/DeWitt, NY

    *** PowerTIG 210 EXT *** PowerPlasma 50 *** I-MIG 200 ***

  7. #7


    I currently own this air compressor

    I started out with this air compressor

    There is a big difference between the two! 8 gallons of air is not enough, yes it will get you by, but you will have to let it catch up. The one I have now runs all the time when I cut, but it has not ran out of air.

    From what I have been told you do not want an oil less air compressor. They are fine for use every now and then, but you need one with oil for heavy use.
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    HF 20 Ton Shop Press
    HF 4x6 Band Saw
    HF Air Compressor
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  8. Default

    For your original compressor, on page 17 of the owners manual, it says you can run the motor continuously for an hour before you have to let it cool down. If it really can put out 5+ CFM for an hour straight, then I don't see why it couldn't handle all your cutting needs, as long as the running motor didn't drive you crazy.
    Poewr I-Mig 205P
    Powertig 185

  9. #9


    Cfm will drop off some as the compressor heats up.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  10. #10


    I would ask them what the duty cycle is for there compressor a plasma cutter will work one pretty good i would have a minimum of 30 gallons and more like 12cfm at 90 than 5.
    The name brand compressors will put out the rated cfm at the rated psi until they warm and it will fall a little say 10% if they start getting warm. There is a duty cycle for the small compressors but its hard to find out what that exactly is. I did a test last summer when it was warm instructing a family member on spraying some urethane. We were using there new HF 26 gallon compressor rated at 4 cu ft per minute @ 90 psi in theory it should fill up in roughly 4 minutes or less. It took about that long for the first fill when it was cool .I made the comment it is taking a long time to recover and you need to let it cool even though you are not using that much air. We timed it a couple of times and roughly figured it was putting out more like 2-3 cu ft per minute and the warmer it got the less also.
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Cambridge, ON. CA

    Question Compressor recommendations

    I got the HF one that Sean started out with as well. Except there's a problem with it where it'll blow the 15 amp breaker after running for 2 minutes. All I do is let it sit for a minute then reset the breaker, rinse and repeat. It's annoying as all hell but if I really need air then nothing else will do.

    Been meaning to get a larger one for years but couldn't justify it. Compressors are expensive up here! That 25 gallon one for under 200 is a dream! My chop saw is almost dead now so I'm looking to replace it, maybe with a plasma cutter for now. I've only been cutting 1/8" thick square tubing and flat stock anyways. My question is what do these cutter from everlast need in terms of cfm and psi? What size of pump and resevoir do you recommend? What can I get away with and what is gravy? Any help is appreciated.

    With this knowledge I'll try to piece myself together a system used. I though I'd post my question in this thread as it was appropriate instead of creating another one and making it redundant. Thanks gentlemen.
    PowerArc 140ST
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  12. #12


    On youtube they said their posted ratings for minimum 3.5CFM @ 90 psi is really not a good setup. They said really you should be looking for 5cfm @ 90psi with a 20 gal tank for continuous cutting. That's why I thought this compressor would work with a plumbed in 20 gal auxiliary tank for a total of 24.6gal. I know I could go out and buy a used industrial compressor that would do the trick for roughly the same type of money but I like that I can detach this from the 20gal auxiliary tank and use it wherever I want while running really quite. Sound level is really important to me. Most compressors are loud as hell and I work late in my shop. Don't want to be pissing off any neighbors and have the city called on me.

    Alvarez Metal Works
    Syracuse/DeWitt, NY

    *** PowerTIG 210 EXT *** PowerPlasma 50 *** I-MIG 200 ***

  13. #13


    I think I may try it and hope I don't regret it. I'll let everyone know how it goes.
    Alvarez Metal Works
    Syracuse/DeWitt, NY

    *** PowerTIG 210 EXT *** PowerPlasma 50 *** I-MIG 200 ***

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Tanh View Post
    Been meaning to get a larger one for years but couldn't justify it. Compressors are expensive up here! That 25 gallon one for under 200 is a dream!

    With this knowledge I'll try to piece myself together a system used. I though I'd post my question in this thread as it was appropriate instead of creating another one and making it redundant. Thanks gentlemen.
    Harbor Freight has raised the price on their compressors over the last few years. The one I bought is being used by an airline in Memphis that uses it to blow up these large air bags. They get six months out of an HF compressor and 8 months from a name brand. So they jut purchase the extended warranty and go back every six months for a new compressor. I think their prices are more geared towards covering the warranty cost.
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
    Everlast MTS 250
    Everlast Power Tig 225lx
    HTP Mig 2400
    Everlast Power Plasma 60C --> Just need to finish my CNC Plasma Table!
    Miller Spectrum 375 Extreme Plasma cutter
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    HF 20 Ton Shop Press
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    HF Air Compressor
    Northern Tool Drill Press

  15. #15


    I talked to the manufacture of the compressor I posted. Here are more points that they informed me of.

    ** GMC compressors and California Air Tools Compressor are the same thing just rebranded.
    ** Their 10 gal compressor and the compressor I linked to are the same thing. One just has a larger tank.
    ** They offer a 220V version of the one I posted above. However the only reason they offer a 220v is because the 110 draws 15amp and people were having issues with popping breakers. Outside of that these are the same compressors. They said if you have a dedicated 20amp 110 you'll be fine (I have that).
    ** I asked them how long it takes the 10gal compressor to fill from being completely empty. They said 120min give or take a 5 seconds.
    ** I asked them what they thought about me plumbing the 4.6gal compressor to a 20gal auxiliary tank to to run a plasma cutter that requires 5cfm @ 90psi to run properly. They said it would be fine and to just make sure I'm not running the compressor none stop for over hour. They said because it's airless I need to give it time to rest but if I'm just using it for non plasma table cuts that it will work without issues.
    ** One last thing is that they changed the drain vent on the tank to a ball valve on the newer compressors. He said if I want one of those to call them after I place my order with whatever distributor I choose and they will make sure to send me one with the updated ball valves. They drop ship all the orders directly to the customers. Doesn't matter what distributor I order from.

    Monday I'll be ordering this compressor and a PP from Everlast if Oleg ever get's back to me with complete answers to all me questions I asked him via PM. I'll post videos of me trying to run it with and without the auxiliary tank. I'll be the test dummy for everyone interested.
    Alvarez Metal Works
    Syracuse/DeWitt, NY

    *** PowerTIG 210 EXT *** PowerPlasma 50 *** I-MIG 200 ***

  16. #16


    If it's technical and in depth questions, that isn't Oleg's department. You should address the questions to Ray, Mike or me.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    If it's technical and in depth questions, that isn't Oleg's department. You should address the questions to Ray, Mike or me.
    It's sales related. Trying to figure out if i want to wait for a 2013 or get a 2012 pp. Trying to get prices for both given that there are pre order discounts and older model discounts. Also need to know how long i have to wait for the 2013 models. And how much i'll have to pay for them. Out the door prices including shipping to 13224.
    Alvarez Metal Works
    Syracuse/DeWitt, NY

    *** PowerTIG 210 EXT *** PowerPlasma 50 *** I-MIG 200 ***

  18. #18


    Don't mess with having to continually replacing compressors. Get yourself a Harbor Freight or Craftsman oil less compressor. Take off the pump and put it up for sale on Craigslist. I sold mine for $60. Keep the tank or even better, get a non working compressor off Craigslist for almost nothing. Then buy a good 3HP or higher 220 volt electric motor and then get yourself a good oil lubricated pump. I got my electric motor off E-bay for $35 and the pump I got from Eaton Compressor in Ohio. The one I got will pump out 14 CFM usable at 90 PSI and fills my 33 gallon tank quickly and quietly. (72 DB).

    Don't forget to make sure you have a way of removing water out of the air. That is what the silver thing (Franzinator) is on the right side of my compressor.
    I have about $600 in my compressor but it was well worth it. It is portable, quiet, fast and does everything I need it to do. I can run my PowerPlasma 50 easily and also any air tools I care to use. I can even paint a car with it and it will handle just about anything I need it to do.

    Don't waste your time with cheap junk. You have a great plasma cutter in the PP50 and it needs plenty of good clean air.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	full shot.jpg 
Views:	559 
Size:	67.1 KB 
ID:	9358
    Powertig 250EX
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  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    the silver thing (Franzinator) is on the right side of my compressor.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	full shot.jpg 
Views:	559 
Size:	67.1 KB 
ID:	9358
    Thank you for that post. Can you post more pics of this setup and more info on materials/fitting used please? Is your pump pumping into that contraption before it goes into the compressor tank? Are you running any other water/air filters and do they pickup any water or is this thing doing all the work before it hit them? I'm asking because I was working on making something like this but my idea was more elaborate and maybe over kill. You're seems much more simple and cheaper.

    Your setup is to heavy to haul up and down my basement stairs on a regular basis however I was giving some serious thought into building my own standing shop compressor like your setup here in the near future. This small compressor won't handle the high demands of a blast cabinet, HVLP sprayers, sanders or other high demand air tools. I really wanted this compressor for the portable aspect as well as it being quite plus it's power for such a small compressor. Right now I do as much upholstery work as I do metal work so the sound level and portability is important to me. If it can get my by for a few months (with an auxiliary tank) while I piece together a proper shop compressor I'll be happy. Part of the issue is also dealing with yet another 220V outlet in my shop. I need to talk to an electrician because my box is maxed out and I'm unsure if the main box is capable of handling all that load plus what I have planned for the future. I don't own the house so I'm limited on what I can do.
    Alvarez Metal Works
    Syracuse/DeWitt, NY

    *** PowerTIG 210 EXT *** PowerPlasma 50 *** I-MIG 200 ***

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Rafael View Post
    Thank you for that post. Can you post more pics of this setup and more info on materials/fitting used please? Is your pump pumping into that contraption before it goes into the compressor tank? Are you running any other water/air filters and do they pickup any water or is this thing doing all the work before it hit them? I'm asking because I was working on making something like this but my idea was more elaborate and maybe over kill. You're seems much more simple and cheaper.

    Your setup is to heavy to haul up and down my basement stairs on a regular basis however I was giving some serious thought into building my own standing shop compressor like your setup here in the near future. This small compressor won't handle the high demands of a blast cabinet, HVLP sprayers, sanders or other high demand air tools. I really wanted this compressor for the portable aspect as well as it being quite plus it's power for such a small compressor. Right now I do as much upholstery work as I do metal work so the sound level and portability is important to me. If it can get my by for a few months (with an auxiliary tank) while I piece together a proper shop compressor I'll be happy. Part of the issue is also dealing with yet another 220V outlet in my shop. I need to talk to an electrician because my box is maxed out and I'm unsure if the main box is capable of handling all that load plus what I have planned for the future. I don't own the house so I'm limited on what I can do.
    Here is a link to this site discussing the Franzinator....

    The compressor pump pumps air directly into the Franzinator where it changes direction of the air and cools it down so the compressed air drops the moisture in it as it cools. The air is forced downward in the pipe where it stops and then moves up to the top of the pipe where it then exits and goes directly into the tank. I have noticed a huge drop in main tank moisture with this set up. I also run a standard air moisture filter and finally a Motorguard filter to make sure there is no water in the air.
    Powertig 250EX
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