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Thread: Compressor???

  1. #21


    Thank you
    Alvarez Metal Works
    Syracuse/DeWitt, NY

    *** PowerTIG 210 EXT *** PowerPlasma 50 *** I-MIG 200 ***

  2. #22


    So I got both my compressor and my PP50 today. I got it setup and did a few quick test cuts to make sure it worked. I also wanted to see if the compressor would run none stop while using the PP50. Outside of adding a HF filter just before the PP50 filter I did nothing to the compressor other than plug it in and hook up a hose. This thing fills up really damn fast and is really quiet. I mean really quiet. I can run it inside the house without pissing everyone off and speak in a normal ton and everyone can hear me just fine. They were not inflating the fill from empty time at all. Takes about 60 seconds from completely empty to fill it. With the few cuts I made it ran great. I will be putting it to the test tomorrow. I'll make some pretty long cuts in 3/16th plate and record it for you guy to see. Honestly for what I'm cutting I may not need an auxiliary tank at all. We'll see. If I was using the PP50 for a plasma table to running it none stop I'd feel different about it. However I'm more than likely only going to make a few short cuts before the compressor and PP50 have plenty of time to relax before I need it again.
    Alvarez Metal Works
    Syracuse/DeWitt, NY

    *** PowerTIG 210 EXT *** PowerPlasma 50 *** I-MIG 200 ***

  3. #23


    Sounds like a winner combination. You might want to get that auxiliary tank just in case you need to make a longer than normal cut or a for cutting a thicker than normal piece of material.

  4. #24


    We'll see how things go tomorrow. I plan on making some long cuts into some scrap just to see how it holds up. If it does the job I'll just hold out and build a proper shop compressor so I can eventually paint and run a blast cabinet.
    Alvarez Metal Works
    Syracuse/DeWitt, NY

    *** PowerTIG 210 EXT *** PowerPlasma 50 *** I-MIG 200 ***

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Greater Seattle, WA


    Sounds like a very interesting compressor option. How much did that compressor cost? And which tank configuration did you end up getting?

    The main thing I dislike about my current compressor (a harbor freight 120V unit, modded for reliablity ) is it's loud noise. I pretty much need to use ear plugs when it's running nearby) The compressor you found seems to solve the loud noise problem. I also like something fairly portable (wheeling around is OK, not necessarily picking it up for me.)

    I'm also a bit curious if the electric motor is a 3600rpm motor, or something slower?
    '13 Everlast 255EXT
    '07 Everlast Super200P

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by jakeru View Post
    Sounds like a very interesting compressor option. How much did that compressor cost? And which tank configuration did you end up getting?

    The main thing I dislike about my current compressor (a harbor freight 120V unit, modded for reliablity ) is it's loud noise. I pretty much need to use ear plugs when it's running nearby) The compressor you found seems to solve the loud noise problem. I also like something fairly portable (wheeling around is OK, not necessarily picking it up for me.)

    I'm also a bit curious if the electric motor is a 3600rpm motor, or something slower?
    I bought the one I posted the link for. I got it through Amazon for $371.99+8% sales tax. That included shipping. Looks like they raised the damn price on these today though. Price went up to $404.99 today. I'd call the manufacture and see if you have any distributors in your area or a list of other online distributors. That's quite the jump in price. And believe me you won't even consider ear plugs with this compressor. The sound level is the major selling point for me. If it was just as loud as normal oil less compressors I would have bought something else.

    "The powerful 2.0 HP motor operates at only 1680 RPM creating less noise and less wear."

    They say part of why this is so quiet is because the motor spins at such a low RPM. They say it also creates less heat because of that too. I plan on testing that tomorrow. I'm going to try and give this thing a true workout.
    Alvarez Metal Works
    Syracuse/DeWitt, NY

    *** PowerTIG 210 EXT *** PowerPlasma 50 *** I-MIG 200 ***

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