Will this compressor work with the PP50 if I attach it to a larger tank (20+gal)? I want this compressor because of how quite it is. If I attached it to a large tank in the shop I can quickly remove it and take it into my basement and use it for upholstery work without making a bunch of noise that will wake up the whole neighborhood and piss of my other half.
What do you guys think? It will only be used for hand held jobs not on a Plasma table. The longest cut I'd be doing would be maybe a 3 or 4 foot continuous cut on 3/16th steel max on rare occasions.
If you know of any large stand up compressors that are this quite please let me know. Down the road I plan on getting one and plumbing the air lines from the shop to the basement of the house. I just don't want to do that right now.