Ok so I'm a total noob to welding in general complete self/net taught. That being said I do okay. Most of my welds come out acceptable. This is not my work but my hobby. I've been mig for a year and a half and tigging for 2 weeks. I have a powerpro 205.

I've been practicing on mild steel and Al. Everybody says that Al is harder that steel but it seems to be the contrary for me. The beads I lay on aluminum look very good. On steel they seem on the crappy side.

When doing steel I seem to have more problems using a 1/16 tung. 3/32 work better. I also seem to have problems with filler sorta sticking. What mean is feeding the rod is not smooth i sort get a little resistance as I'm going in the puddle. If I increase amperage the my weld penetrates too much. I've tried slowing down my travel speed but that looks horrible. Maybe somebody would have a few tips.

Again AL seems easy and the rod goes in like butter. I always seem to get somekind of sticking feeding mild steel

Thanks in advance for your input
