I think you would be better off buying a 160 STH,,,it is already plumbed for gas has a torch and a regulator and most important it is wired for a foot pedal and has HF start,,,if you are going to learn tig those are big things to have...sure you can get a valve torch,,, and a regulator,,,but you will find that HF start is much easier to do and having a foot pedal is great for puddle control,,,Tig and gas welding are pretty much the same except with gas if you want to decrease the heat you move the tip back a bit,,try that with tig and you break the arc,,,that's when the foot pedal really shines,,,it gives you that ability to control the heat,,ramp up and ramp down,, you can tig without a foot pedal but why limit your ability to grow..the dollar difference is not that great when you factor in adding these features at a later date...and if you tig for a while you will want those features..then what do you do....start right end right..get something that will make it easy to add things like a foot pedal..
Some of those lies people tell about me, are true