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Thread: pp50 torch will not shut off before moving to next cut.

  1. Default pp50 torch will not shut off before moving to next cut.

    I got a pp50 with my plasma table. Since day one the torch will turn on with gcode M03 but when it should shut off at gcode M05 it's still firing when the gantry moves to the next cut and ruining the metal. I am using draftsight to draw, sheetcam to process and mach 3 to run the table. My table has stepper motors with a gecko 540 driver and proma thc.
    My system does not have water in the lines, my pressure is set to 70 psi. I have new consumables on it. When I check the gcode it's all there but the torch will not shut off untill it moves across the steel to the second cut, then the torch shuts off and and the gantry continues to move as though the torch is cutting the second cut. Once it does this it moves to the third cut starts normally and at the end of that cut does the same thing, moves across the metal with the torch on and then shuts off with the machine still moving as though its cutting. This is repeated until the the gcode cycle completes the run. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by metalfreak View Post
    I got a pp50 with my plasma table. Since day one the torch will turn on with gcode M03 but when it should shut off at gcode M05 it's still firing when the gantry moves to the next cut and ruining the metal. I am using draftsight to draw, sheetcam to process and mach 3 to run the table. My table has stepper motors with a gecko 540 driver and proma thc.
    My system does not have water in the lines, my pressure is set to 70 psi. I have new consumables on it. When I check the gcode it's all there but the torch will not shut off untill it moves across the steel to the second cut, then the torch shuts off and and the gantry continues to move as though the torch is cutting the second cut. Once it does this it moves to the third cut starts normally and at the end of that cut does the same thing, moves across the metal with the torch on and then shuts off with the machine still moving as though its cutting. This is repeated until the the gcode cycle completes the run. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    I'm not a CNC expert, but it doesn't sound as it is unit related, but rather program related, if the torch still is firing. If it isn't firing and the air is just running, then you ought to shut the post time flow down to almost nothing.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    I'm not a CNC expert, but it doesn't sound as it is unit related, but rather program related, if the torch still is firing. If it isn't firing and the air is just running, then you ought to shut the post time flow down to almost nothing.
    The air and torch both shut down after it moves across the metal then the machine moves as though its still cutting. That is what baffles me, everything looks right in the code, everything in sheet cam looks good with post processing. All of my machine is grounded as it should be,the power suppy is totally dedicated to this machine. I have all wires seperated to eliminate interference.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Have you tried starting and stopping the torch with the MDI? It somewhat sounds like you have a modal command setup in Mach for that output. Can you post a short test program as an example? How are you interfacing Mach to the PP50? Does your breakout board have status LEDs for the relays and if so do they agree with the torch on and off?
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  5. #5


    Have you looked at the torch on/off indicator in Mach 3 (see attached image). I you run your routine and watch that indicator if the torch is on it will blink and stay out when traveling to the next cut. If I understand what you said it turns on the torch for the first cut and off after it reaches the location of the second cut on point. And stays off for the second torch cut and stays off until it gets to the third cut then turns on. You can run the routine with out running the table and it will go through the routine you can watch the torch indicator to see if it cutting as you want or it may be doing what the g-code told it to do. This test will point to where the problem is. If the indicator blinks as you described the g-code is telling it to do that. If it blinks only when you wanted it to cut then you may have a switch problem.
    Are you able to take a screen shot of the g-code and attach it here like this.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	screen shot.jpg 
Views:	496 
Size:	62.8 KB 
ID:	9414   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	torch.jpg 
Views:	684 
Size:	10.8 KB 
ID:	9415  

    Everlast PM256
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  6. Default

    Everytime it sends an M03 command its cycling the torch, so instead of sending it an M05 command to turn the torch off, manually edit your G-code and replace the M05 with M03. That should make the torch cycle at the beginning and end of each cut.
    Poewr I-Mig 205P
    Powertig 185

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Set the switch on the front to Manual 2T not CNC 4T. That should fix your problem, as your CNC setup, like most, requires 2T switch function.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

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