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Thread: Waiting for my PM256, what size is the plug/receptacle?

  1. Default Waiting for my PM256, what size is the plug/receptacle?

    Title says it all. I just ordered and am waiting for my new PowerMaster 256. To prepare for it, I'd like to check to see what size plug it comes with. I looked in the owner's manual (but there doesn't seem to be an owner's manual online for the PM256) and I looked at the spec sheet, neither of which indicate the plug size. Thanks in advance, Toolman_Johnny

  2. #2


    It doesn't come with a plug. If it does, it will likely be only a 20A plug. Please ignore it. They are intended only for our 110/220 machines and have been put in many of the other units boxes as well.

    You must add a plug. We do this because there are many configurations of 220 plugs in this country. A few guys actually have a NEMA welder plug, but more often than not, it is some variation of a range or dryer receptacle. We do not add plugs for this reason.

  3. Default

    Ok, thanks.
    For what it's worth, since the manual says "Select a plug rated for at least 40-50 amps", I'm going to go with a NEMA 6-50P which I believe is the standard 240V plug/receptacle for single phase, non-marine use 50Amp applications.

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