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Thread: New guy from NY by West Point on the Hudson River

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Cornwall on Hudson, NY

    Default New guy from NY by West Point on the Hudson River

    Hello all, "Downline" here with a 210 EXT I have been learning tig on for close to a year now. Since I have worked a life time learning complicated equipment from saturation deep sea diving in support of oil and gas to my arborist business in New York I am not completely overwhelmed at the complexity of the machine.

    I am simply baffled that the company would place a machine of this complexity in the hands of novices though. Many will get frustrated and it will be a nightmare for tech support for awhile. My best advice is to use the foot peddle and do what the puddle tells you. We don't need to know how the computer works that feeds gas to the engine, but do need to know how to use the long thin peddle on the right. That said the teething pains I have had learning it and the circuit board the company replaced have not soured me on what I may be able to do with the machine

    I did build a scale model of an Al jon boat that I intend to build later this spring, and except for the difficulty of using the #26 torch on tough to get to corners it came out OK. When I figure how to post here I will post a picture. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	272 
Size:	140.5 KB 
ID:	9454

    My previous experience is mig and I have a Lincoln 180C that I have used flux core and shielded gas to build equipment trailers. Years ago I stick welded enough to get into trouble and never got the hang of it. I enjoy Tig because of the focus required to do it well, and because I can stay home and work in my shop. My days as a gypsie moving around the world are done. I enjoy working but the body can't do what it once did. this stage of life is great,and I am glad Everlast has created quality equipment at an affordable price.

  2. #2


    Hey Downline. I used to live up by you, in Peekskill, now in Raleigh for the past 25 years. (Lot's of good memories from up there).

    I just got a 210EXT and it appears to be a previously returned unit. Just came with the ground and Stick Stinger, no Tig torch, gas regulator, hose, connectors, or pedal.

    My question to you, is I tried it for stick and get a EEE displayed on the output amps, when I try to strike an ARC. I suspect the unit is bad, but all the options on the menus seem to work, so I was wondering if I am doing something wrong. Have you ever run up against this issue? (EEE). If I can verify the unit works, and it is a user error, I will try to get the missing items from Everlast, rather than returning the unit.

  3. #3


    Paulie, not sure where that unit came from but someone in the warehouse must have mis-shipped something if you are missing all that and having an error (EEE)
    issue. You need to call monday asap.

  4. #4



    Amazon Prime messed up .. Not us

    Paul will call me Monday
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

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