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Thread: Tig Or Mig? Suggestions please.

  1. Default Tig Or Mig? Suggestions please.

    First off let me describe my project. I have a 22’ skiff built with 3/16” aluminum. As it stands now it is pretty much a bare hull. I want to build a hard top center console, leaning post/bait tank, as well as adding a full plate deck. Most of my modifications will be using 1/8” to 3/16” aluminum and I will also need the capability of possibly welding 1/4”. I am probably looking at roughly 120-200 feet of weld.
    When I was younger I did quite a bit of mig welding steel, never aluminum, and never tig. I have been interested in learning the tig process so it’s kind of a tossup on which to buy.

    Either way I will need to learn how to weld again, so which would you guys recommend Tig or Mig for my current project? And what model?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2


    Either a 205 or 250 mig with a spool gun.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  3. Default

    If you've migged before, it's like riding a bicycle. You'll be rusty at first but it will come right back to you. Tig is a whole different animal, it's harder to learn but you'll be able to weld pretty with it eventually.

    Migging aluminum is almost as easy as migging steel except the surface prep is a little more fussy, same for tigging aluminum.

    If I were you I'd get a mig for your job, but I think you'll need a spool gun for the smaller stuff. So get a mig that is spool gun capable. Aluminum wire is not as stiff as steel and will tend to kink in a long conduit, which is why you'll need a spool gun. Mig is also much quicker than tig.

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
    Soon to be 2013 250EX tig machine
    Lincoln Idealarc DC250 with LN7 wire feeder
    RSG250 spool gun and controller for above.
    Hypertherm Powermax85 with Machine and hand torch
    Bridgeport Milling Machine w/DRO and Powerfeed
    South Bend 9 lathe WW2 vintage
    Devilbiss 6.5hp 80gal 175psi 2 stage compressor
    HF blast Cabinet modified for foot pedal operation better gun.
    Oxy/A torches
    Delta 4x6 band saw
    Hand and power tools up the wazoo.

    The name's "Marcel" in case I forget to sign.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Whine Country, California


    I wouldn't go for TIG just yet if I was you. It's not that you can't learn TIG, or that a big project would be impossible to learn TIG welding on, but learning to TIG on a heavy (thick) aluminum project with all out of position welds will be quite a challenge.It can be very time consuming to master, it's expensive (especially when it comes to Argon and filler rod), and it's a much slower process!

    Prep work isn't really different between the 2 for aluminum, but you won't be sharpening Tungsten every 10 minutes while re-learning MIG. The professional boat builders that I know of (locally) all use MIG with a spool gun, and I would tend to follow their lead. Plus, you already have nearly all of the knowledge for MIG welding, so all that's left is a slight learning curve!

    You can always learn TIG later on if you still have the desire. Look at the MIG welders that are at least 200 amps (preferably more with a generous duty cycle)! I would shoot for the 250 amp machine (like zoama mentioned) since you will learn quickly and become more proficient in MIG welding aluminum. That means the machine you're using will have to be able to keep up with you! You don't want to hit the duty cycle all the time and have to stop and wait for the machine to cool.

    Also, don't buy into the hype that you see with the smaller (mostly) name brand MIG welders being spool gun capable! Just because you can plug the spool gun into the machine, doesn't mean that a 180 amp machine will allow you to weld aluminum!
    New Everlast PowerTig 250EX that is begging for me to come up with a few welding projects so it can stretch it's legs. Did someone say aluminum???

    Atlas 618 lathe
    Milwaukee Porta Band with custom made stand
    Dewalt 4-1/2" angle grinder
    Dewalt 14" chop saw

    Strong Hand Nomad portable table
    Juki sewing machine I've had for years (yes I know sewing is for girls)

  5. Default

    Thanks guys.

    So between the Power I-MIG 205 p and the Power I-MIG 250 p. Would it be better to spend a few extra $$ for the bigger unit? Also what spool gun would you recommend, and are they pretty universal as far as brands?

  6. Default

    My opinion, get the biggest machine you can afford. You can never have too much capacity. Everlast sells the spool guns that'll mate up to thier machines here: But to be sure i would talk to someone at Everlast on the phone to get thier reccomendations.
    Soon to be 2013 250EX tig machine
    Lincoln Idealarc DC250 with LN7 wire feeder
    RSG250 spool gun and controller for above.
    Hypertherm Powermax85 with Machine and hand torch
    Bridgeport Milling Machine w/DRO and Powerfeed
    South Bend 9 lathe WW2 vintage
    Devilbiss 6.5hp 80gal 175psi 2 stage compressor
    HF blast Cabinet modified for foot pedal operation better gun.
    Oxy/A torches
    Delta 4x6 band saw
    Hand and power tools up the wazoo.

    The name's "Marcel" in case I forget to sign.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Litchfield Park, AZ


    I would say that it all depends on what you want. If you just want the project to be finished go with the MIG because it will be much faster and you are familiar with the process. You will just need to practice on some scrap AL before welding on the boat.

    If you are not in a hurry to finish the project and want to learn how to TIG, it is not impossible, but will take some more time. Especially some seat time before attempting to weld on the boat. I am still learning how to TIG AL and have found it to not be as bad as some say but it is time consuming.

    Either way you go, you can get the job done.
    Miller 252
    PowerTig 250 EXT
    Evolution Rage 2
    48X6 inch Belt Sander w/ 9 inch Disk Sander

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