I'm building this with my I-MIG 200 and my PowerPlasma 50
Ok as many of you know I recently bought a JD2 tubing bender. I bought the manual bender because it was way cheaper but I had the intention on converting it down the road to air over hydraulic. Well the road was really damn short because I decided to do it right away lol. I know Swag Off Road sells a mount for the Harbor Freight ram but it has a major flaw in the design do to it's pivot point. The mount creates side load on the ram and will blow out the seal and from what I read can make retracting the mount pretty hard. Now due to the size of the HF ram creating a center pivot point takes quite a bit more effort but it should be done if you want to use this type of ram on your tubing bender.
Here is what I'm working on and the progress so far. My mount will use the factory mounts on the ram rather than clamping down on the tube like the Swag mount does.
I Should have this finished up tomorrow night. I'll post more pics then.
For those that don't mind listening to me ramble on and on you can check out my youtube videos of this build. Hopefully that will answer any question you have.