Restoring my old ride and ordered some new floor braces they came without the tabs to spot weld them on. Used the 200DX set at 35 amps on DC w/6 cf gas flow and added the tabs to each floor brace. Photo shows an original that i cut from a donor car and the new ones after the tabs were added.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	crossmember 1.jpg 
Views:	469 
Size:	145.4 KB 
ID:	9564Click image for larger version. 

Name:	crossmember 2.jpg 
Views:	499 
Size:	162.8 KB 
ID:	9565Click image for larger version. 

Name:	crossmember 3.jpg 
Views:	484 
Size:	140.0 KB 
ID:	9566Click image for larger version. 

Name:	crossmember 4.jpg 
Views:	470 
Size:	138.3 KB 
ID:	9567

I could use an MTS 160 with .023 wire to set up in the car when welding patch panels in, My millermatic 200 is a little large for that.