I started messing with pulse the last few days on a Dynasty 350, I do notice a change in arc, puddle, but can't tell if its honestly helping at all. I've tried a slower pulse with 1-2 pulses a second, 75% on time and the background current at 30%....that was too distracting. If I keep the other setting but turn the PPS to around 60 I notice the puddle seems tighter and less fluid. Is that what they call a hard puddle vs a soft puddle? After a while of messing around I turned it off and loved how fluid the puddle was with no pulse. Can anyone out there tell me an instance where pulsing is really useful? I know it is suppose to cool the metal better...but I haven't started stainless to tell if it is really doing anything that is helping for mild steel other than more buttons and knobs to push. Thanks for the help - RJ