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Thread: Supercut 50 p warning light

  1. Default Supercut 50 p warning light

    Hey guys, this is my first post here, obviously. I've got a question for ya'll. Just got a new Supercut 50p plasma a month or so ago and yesterday was only the second time I used it. I did some cutting on a 1/4" piece of steel, maybe 10-15 mins of cutting. Then it suddenly stopped working and I noticed the warning light came on. It took me a minute, but I finally saw in the water trap (the one that came with it), that it had about 1/2" water in it. Is this why the warning light came on? I've never used a plasma cutter before this one, so I'm very noobish on these issues. If the water in the trap was the reason the light came on, then how do I take care of this problem? My compressor was empty when I plugged it in before I started cutting. It got up to between 120-150 psi then I attached it to the plasma cutter. What do I need to do today to be able to use it? Thanks for your help.

  2. Default

    It does not take much water to cause issues with the unit. Get rid of the water problem! Add a better filter. Do a search on here as there are a few good discussions on it.

  3. #3


    Have you read the manual that is posted online or any of the forum threads?
    You must have an air dryer mounted inline. The regulator/filter will not DRY the air. It will catch slugs of water. If you are cutting and you have significant water in the filter, you have a serious air quality issue.

    The light could be a couple of colors. It was either the duty cycle or an over current depending upon the color. You MUST allow the unit to cool and rest 10 minutes if the duty cycle is exceeded for best life span.

    150 psi supplied to the unit is dangerously high. Do not exceed 90 psi.

  4. Default

    Ok, so where do I get an inline air dryer? And I should keep my air supply around 90 psi. Got it.

  5. #5


    Any auto parts, welding supply store has them...and many hardware stores. We also have a video of it on our welding channel.

  6. Default

    So, the inline dryer should stop the warning light coming on?

  7. #7


    Please read my post above and download the manual and read it as well. The warning light is dual colored, and depending upon what is wrong the light will change colors. It can only be over current or duty cycle. It's possible that a large amount of water got into the torch and temporarily shorted it and caused an over current (usually green) or it is more likely you hit the duty cycle of the machine by using it too much for too long at a time without giving it a break as it needed...especially if you were on 110V.

  8. Default

    I tried it again earlier and as soon as I hit the button, the warning light came on and it was red. And yes I'm on 110V. so what does that mean, exactly?

  9. Default

    and im only running it at 12 amps. So, IDK how it could have gotten overloaded seeing as how this is only the second time I've used it, which was yesterday. And that was only for about 10 mins. And I've read the manual an it says nothing about the warning light.
    Last edited by Memnos; 03-09-2013 at 08:39 PM.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Memnos View Post
    and im only running it at 12 amps. So, IDK how it could have gotten overloaded seeing as how this is only the second time I've used it, which was yesterday. And that was only for about 10 mins.
    Memnos...if you used it nonstop for 10 minutes, or even cut stop and go for 10 minutes (you said you used it more, earlier in your posts) then you likely originally exceeded the duty cycle. You could have also ran the unit out of air if you have a small compressor and burned up the torch...there's a bunch of possibilities.

    But the issue now is likely a terminal issue. You'll need to call tech support and get a return authorization if it will not clear and go to cutting.

    The manual does discuss it on page 13.
    Last edited by performance; 03-09-2013 at 08:47 PM.

  11. Default

    Yea, the first day I used it, I had no problems and prolly used it for 30 mins or so. Im only cutting 1/4" steel. Yesterday, I prolly used it for 10 mins, and that was stop and go cutting, it won't run continuously, or so an had no problems, then it suddenly quit. I didn't run the cutter out of air, my compressor was set at around 80-90 psi. The torch end is blowing air so I would think the airflow is clear. I don't understand how the machine could already have messed up. I just looked at the manual again and it says nothing about the warning light coming on and troubleshooting for it.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Memnos View Post
    Yea, the first day I used it, I had no problems and prolly used it for 30 mins or so. Im only cutting 1/4" steel. Yesterday, I prolly used it for 10 mins, and that was stop and go cutting, it won't run continuously, or so an had no problems, then it suddenly quit. I didn't run the cutter out of air, my compressor was set at around 80-90 psi. The torch end is blowing air so I would think the airflow is clear. I don't understand how the machine could already have messed up. I just looked at the manual again and it says nothing about the warning light coming on and troubleshooting for it. the manual from online, the latest date (nov 09)'s right there on page 13.

    The Supercut 50P is a mosfet unit. They are intended as a cheap, light duty cutter for occasional homeowner use. It's not the PowerPLasma 50 with the IGBT design and great performance. By Default of the SC50P being a Mosfet design they do have more issues. We'll warranty it of course, but again, its not something you'll likely be able to fix. Running them on 110 is usually where the problem begins...and they are run too high of amps for too long the mosfets just poof from time to time and it suffers sudden death of electronics...and it's not explainable. You may have the polarity backwards, or the unit simply got bumped around in shipping knocking some soldered joints loose....But what ever it is, it likely won't go back to cutting.

    What is the size and output of your air compressor?
    Last edited by performance; 03-09-2013 at 10:19 PM.

  13. Default

    My air compressor is 150 psi, and I looked today after you said something about running it around 90 psi. the output was set for between 80-90 psi. I wouldn't think that running this unit at 12 amps would be too high on a 110v. I paid $420 for this unit off ebay...that's not that cheap to me. About how much more is it gonna cost me to ship it back to you? Can you provide a link for the manual? the one I keep seeing is from 2008.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Memnos View Post
    My air compressor is 150 psi, and I looked today after you said something about running it around 90 psi. the output was set for between 80-90 psi. I wouldn't think that running this unit at 12 amps would be too high on a 110v. I paid $420 for this unit off ebay...that's not that cheap to me. About how much more is it gonna cost me to ship it back to you? Can you provide a link for the manual? the one I keep seeing is from 2008.
    As far as plasma cutters go, it is cheap, though I understand what you mean, and would feel the same. It is about the cheapest one you can buy. For comparison, our PowerPlasma 50 is well over 800 bucks.

    If you've had it less than 30 days, it won't cost you anything to ship it back.

  15. Default

    It was delivered on Feb. 13, 2013. Where do I go to find out how to ship it back?

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Memnos View Post
    It was delivered on Feb. 13, 2013. Where do I go to find out how to ship it back?
    As I said earlier in the thread, call technical support so they can issue you an RA number and give you the instructions you need.

  17. #17
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    Memnos - I think what Everlast is asking about your air compressor is what size (gallon capacity) and output (CFM @ x PSI) it is. You may be able to do 150 psi max, but if you only have a 1-3 gallon compressor as an example, it will not be able to keep up 65 +/- psi and 3-5 CFM for more than 15 seconds, let alone several minuets of cutting at once. I'm guessing here, but one way to check to see if your air compressor is big enough, disconnect your torch and ground cables from the unit, but leave the control plug attached and depress the trigger on the torch. Your air should start coming out the torch port. Now watch your air pressure gauge and see if it starts to drop below your set pressure, and eventually falls into the 30 -40 psi range after a minute or two. If it does, your air compressor does not have enough CFM to keep up with the plasma cutter, and you need to either upgrade, get a second 30 - 40 gallon tank, or reduce the amount of time you cut until your air compressor catches up.

    The manual is located here - Download PDF - PowerPlasma/SuperCut manual - Nov'09

    This manual covers both the Supercut and Power Plasma series cutters -
    3. Over Current/Overheat lamp. This amber or green( color may vary depending upon model) LED indicator light illuminates when the duty cycle has been exceeded or the machine has overheated due to improper ventilation. Dis-continue use until lamp goes out. Allow the fan to continue to run. Once lamp goes out, you may resume using the unit and reset the breaker switch if necessary. If frequent or con-tinuous overheating is encountered, contact Everlast or improve operating conditions.
    The other manual listed as just the Super Cut does not say anything about the indicator light in the manual, so if you were looking at that one, you are correct in that.

    Regarding the duty cycle -
    1.4 Be careful to observe duty cycles of the machine posted in this manual and on the machine itself. A duty cycle is a rating of percentage of time out of 10 minutes the machine can be used at the rated power setting . Overheating may occur if the duty cycle is exceeded. For example, the duty cycle of the PowerPlasma 50 is 60% at 50 amps which continuous operation is allowed for 6 out of 10 minutes before a cooling period of 4 minutes is needed. Certain types of plasma cutting operation may further reduce duty cycle of the torch itself such as constant piercing and blind hole cutting.On multi-voltage, multi-phased ma-chines, note that the rated duty cycle will change with the voltage supplied.
    Now you are lucky in the fact that neither manual for the Super Cut model specifically states the use of an air dryer is required. The third manual I found on the Power Plasma units however -

    3.3 Air Filter and Air Dryer Selection.
    Every PowerPlasma Unit must be operated with at least one air dryer connected to the air supply line. Failure to use an air dryer will void the warranty! Most units include one air dryer.
    The little filter/regulator supplied is nothing more than a simple water trap and filter. It will allow water vapor through - 100% humidity, it only catches drops coming in. Had your manual stated that, you'd be screwed on warranty since you stated that you don't have one and found water in your filter.

    On a technical note - Everlast really does need to compile and update their manuals. Doing a proof read to correct spelling and grammatical errors would be nice too. I'm not an anal type of person on that front, but it does reflect a lack of professionalism on their part when there are multiple errors in the published manuals.
    Last edited by sticks; 03-10-2013 at 10:05 AM.
    Field Service Tech for a Concrete Paving Company
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  18. #18
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    I meant to add this,

    Google "Franzinator" to find out how to build a quick and dirty water separator for your air compressor (and given the state of things, put you on a list with DHS for buying pipe bomb materials).

    You can also Google "Desiccant Air Dryer" and find ways to either build a smallish desiccant air dryer for your plasma cutter, or buy one cheap (under $100). Presuming the bought units are serviceable, you can regenerate the desiccant once it turns pink.
    Field Service Tech for a Concrete Paving Company
    Location: The corner of "No" and "Where"

    "If they break it, we will fix it"


    "Find some scrap and build a new one"

  19. Default

    Very informative sticks, thanks. For a noob like me, the manual that came with the machine looks like it was written by a kid in China, then translated to No help at all. Nowhere in there does it state anything about having an inline water dryer. How would a person know that if they've never used a plasma cutter before? I had to google to find this forum. Thanks for the manual download link. My compressor is 33 gal. Its got a max psi of 150. The output was set between 80-90 psi and on the front of the plasma cutter, the pressure was set around 60 psi. I just don't understand how something can quit working the second time I used it. I definitely dont think I was overloading it. Thanks for the help, sticks. I guess I'll be calling tech support tomorrow, cause I don't see how I could fix it. I just hope they get it back to me soon.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnos View Post
    Very informative sticks, thanks. For a noob like me, the manual that came with the machine looks like it was written by a kid in China, then translated to No help at all. Nowhere in there does it state anything about having an inline water dryer. How would a person know that if they've never used a plasma cutter before? I had to google to find this forum. Thanks for the manual download link. My compressor is 33 gal. Its got a max psi of 150. The output was set between 80-90 psi and on the front of the plasma cutter, the pressure was set around 60 psi. I just don't understand how something can quit working the second time I used it. I definitely dont think I was overloading it. Thanks for the help, sticks. I guess I'll be calling tech support tomorrow, cause I don't see how I could fix it. I just hope they get it back to me soon.
    33 gallon tank is 4.4 cubic feet. If it takes your compressor more than 1 minute (4.4 cfm) to fill the tank, you need a bigger compressor. In reality is should take closer to 45 seconds to fill to be in the safe zone. CFM goes down as pressure goes up. Look on your compressor for it's CFM @ PSI rating. As the Everlast tech posted earlier, if the pressure dropped too low, the torch could have shorted internally.
    Field Service Tech for a Concrete Paving Company
    Location: The corner of "No" and "Where"

    "If they break it, we will fix it"


    "Find some scrap and build a new one"

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