Just wanted to let you guys know that we have our new YouTube Channel up and running.
We will be working on the videos, but the first two "official" Everlast Videos are up. They are part 1 and part 2 of the PowerPlasma 60 setup and cutting demonstration.
We chose this unit to be the first official video because it has good performance and is the mid spot of our lineup. It also has controls that are in common with all the other units so a customer can take and transfer the basics to the other machines. The videos will improve with quality and smoothness as we get more experience doing them and with your inputs we will improve. Although our budget is low right now for a super pro style video, we hope these will prove helpful to our customers.
You can subscribe if you have an account and you will receive automatic notifications of additional products coming on line in the video series.
Here's the Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/everlastgenerator