Took some time to get here. Did through inspection internally always a good idea on any new system to insure little things like solder joints and wires are still attached and not run over places where they can cause trouble.
Added dual GAS manifold, with common water filter, two isolation valves and the GAS 1 compressed air for plasma custter regulator and GAS 2 for Argon regulator output.
Spent last night re-reading the manual. Tomorrow we drag it to the barn, mount on its new welding table, setup the separate AC ground very important for this unit or you may get zapped as well as have your electronics fried.
My unit has its own 11KW Hobart generator that is gas powered and can push the needed 40+ amps all day without breaking a sweat. Used 50 Amp four prong plug minus the 110 VAC forth pin.
Picked up lanthinated tungsten 2% 1.6mm should be enough to play on some aluminum in 30% Pulse mode (AC sorta) and some 6011 welding rod.
Have tiny grinder all setup for the tungsten electrodes with evacuation fan to outside air. (Prarie Dogs might get sick but we don't like them anyhow except for target practice.)
Will be nice to have plasma cutter again, old one was stolen last december, along with MIG, TIG and Stick welders. (Lincon/Miller).
Will run out in the AM to pickup 1/2"x4"x8" copper bar and ovglove I can ware over welding gloves.
Then we will see how she works. Will use it to finish its welding table.