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Thread: Talk me out of a PowerTig 200DX

  1. #21


    They actually are buying off the shelf product from a factory that already had it. Same as TA.

  2. Default

    Thanks for all the replies, 240v 200dx it is :thumbup:

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    North By God Carolina


    Pulse, I just got done with a little buildup job on some aluminum for a local machinist.
    So for ####s and grins I turned the pulse on and I was impressed with how easy it is
    to do buildup with it on. Especially near the edges. Pulse is worth the few extra duckets.

    The 200DX is a stud!
    No Crack Too Tight, No Gap Too Wide. If You Don't Like The Way I Do It, I'll Let You Try It!

  4. Default

    Wise choice. You won't be disappointed. I went with the 200DX, initially was thinking the 185. I do believe the 200 is their most stable unit.
    Everlast PowerTig 200DX
    Miller 120 Mig

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Middleburg Florida


    Quote Originally Posted by willida View Post
    Wise choice. You won't be disappointed. I went with the 200DX, initially was thinking the 185. I do believe the 200 is their most stable unit.
    Indeed. I was originally worried I'd miss something for not going with the 250EX or 225LX, but I've yet to run it to max capacity, and I haven't found myself looking for any of the 'missing' features. I'd buy one again in a heartbeat.
    Trip Bauer
    Former USN HT
    Everlast 200DX New Model
    Hobart Handler 125 MIG
    Van Norman #12
    Atlas 12" engine lathe
    '98 RoadKing - 84 Ironhead - 59 Ironhead

  6. Default

    I am pretty happy with my 200dx. I was finally able to get everything lined up and all the tools and materials i needed for it. It welds really smooth. The one thing I recommend is buying a better torch. I got a 9 series from ck worldwide. Night and day difference from the factory torch. Only thing is I wish I would have shopped around. I bought from everlast directly and paid like $1200 plush shipping, and I have found it on amazon for under $1000. Would have saved me a couple hundred bucks if I had looked around. Good luck with it!!

  7. #27


    Not a current model likely...And as is shown, it is 1100.00. Did you receive a Dual voltage?

  8. Default

    No it just a single. I paid $1394.98 for welder and cart shipped to my door.

  9. Default

    Oh and when I ordered it, i was told that i would be receiving the lastest 2013 model, but seems I got the 2012 model. It does not have the control cover, and does not look like the one pictured on the website.

    I am not complaining, it seems to be working great thus far. Your customer service seems to be great!

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Toby View Post
    Oh and when I ordered it, i was told that i would be receiving the lastest 2013 model, but seems I got the 2012 model. It does not have the control cover, and does not look like the one pictured on the website.

    I am not complaining, it seems to be working great thus far. Your customer service seems to be great!
    I purchased a 2013 200dx as well and when it arrived it looked like the 2012 as well. I called and asked about this and they said it had all the features of the 2013 just had a different front panel than the new one with the cover. I was a bit peeved about this when it happened, but now that I have been using the welder I have all but forgot about it and have been enjoying it. Just wanting to get a ck superflex torch for it now.

  11. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by eman5oh View Post
    I purchased a 2013 200dx as well and when it arrived it looked like the 2012 as well. I called and asked about this and they said it had all the features of the 2013 just had a different front panel than the new one with the cover. I was a bit peeved about this when it happened, but now that I have been using the welder I have all but forgot about it and have been enjoying it. Just wanting to get a ck superflex torch for it now.

    that is correct , You got 100% 2013 specs out unit (please don't worry). The ONLY different is the case. Mold was not ready for late November batch
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

  12. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Oleg View Post

    that is correct , You got 100% 2013 specs out unit (please don't worry). The ONLY different is the case. Mold was not ready for late November batch
    No worries at all, loving the machine and would recommend it to anyone.

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