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Thread: To Purge or not to Purge

  1. Default To Purge or not to Purge

    I have to get a system to purge the back of SS weldments.

    Option 1: Buy a dual flow meter (150-300$)
    Option 2: Buy a second argon tank 150cf (300$)
    Option 3: Put a brass T fitting running off the tank flow meter.
    Option 4: Make an argon chamber and use a scuba tank for respiration! JK :/

    Any input?
    "The notorious forum spamming troll."

  2. #2


    I combined parts from two of the old style flow meters for a cheap solution. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1197.jpg 
Views:	456 
Size:	130.7 KB 
ID:	9848 All you need is two flow meters and a 1/4 npt street tee.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  3. Default

    I saw that on the other thread. That is very resilient of you. Would you describe the operation?
    "The notorious forum spamming troll."

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by zoama585 View Post
    I combined parts from two of the old style flow meters for a cheap solution. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1197.jpg 
Views:	456 
Size:	130.7 KB 
ID:	9848 All you need is two flow meters and a 1/4 npt street tee.
    Actually now I can see it better. The second knob is in the back for the primary regulator. So you can shut off one when not in use with out having to disassemble the set up. Brilliant.
    You get set up ready to weld then reach up to turn on the back purge, weld, then turn it off. That will work fine for me too.
    "The notorious forum spamming troll."

  5. Default

    my back purge setup consists of a t fitting between the bottle regulator and the flow regulator. there is a quick disconnect that i plug a hose into that has a ball valve for turning it on and off which is followed by a needle valve that i adjust flow with and that has a piece of copper tube coming out of it that i use to press into a plastic cap plug. it has worked fantastic for the last 10 years.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by weirtech View Post
    my back purge setup consists of a t fitting between the bottle regulator and the flow regulator. there is a quick disconnect that i plug a hose into that has a ball valve for turning it on and off which is followed by a needle valve that i adjust flow with and that has a piece of copper tube coming out of it that i use to press into a plastic cap plug. it has worked fantastic for the last 10 years.
    If you get a chance can you post up a photo of your set up?
    "The notorious forum spamming troll."

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by weirtech View Post
    my back purge setup consists of a t fitting between the bottle regulator and the flow regulator. there is a quick disconnect that i plug a hose into that has a ball valve for turning it on and off which is followed by a needle valve that i adjust flow with and that has a piece of copper tube coming out of it that i use to press into a plastic cap plug. it has worked fantastic for the last 10 years.
    This it's the best way to do it cheaply. Once the chamber is filled, you don't need much flow at all if it's sealed to a small degree.

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  8. #8
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