Well just been laying some test passes with the unit (PP256)

When I'm using the pedal and go to start the arc, I get the high freq arc jumping across the tungsten to the work piece but cant get it to actually start the weld arc. Everything is hooked up right (i believe), argon is flowing, tried at all different temps, tungsten can be barely away or far away from metal and same results... the ONLY way to get it to start most of the time is to MAX out the foot pedal and wait about 10 seconds and sometimes it will start but sometimes not. Up-Slope is set to almost nothing. I also found another way to get it to weld when it does this is to actually touch the tungsten to the metal and short it out.... like scratch start basically... but that defeats the whole purpose of HF. Ground can be clamped to table or actual work piece, same results.

Tried this same thing with a tapered tungsten and a balled , same results!

Anyone else having these issues?

AJ Newman